Samsung Galaxy S22 Speaker Crackling Bug: Learn How to Fix the Problem

More and more complaints about speaker problems in Samsung's Galaxy S22 series are surfacing on the web. The phone's speakers are said to have suddenly started creaking, crackling, and shrieking. While time cured the problem for some users, there is apparently a fairly simple solution.
- Users of the S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra phones report issues with the speakers on the web.
- Problems mainly occur after flights or after strong temperature fluctuations.
- According to Caschy's blog, the solution is to temporarily remove the SIM card.
October 2022 update: Just in time for the colder temperatures during fall in the northern hemisphere, still no response from Samsung.
If you use a device from Samsung's Galaxy S22 series, you might have to be prepared for creaking speakers on your next flight. This is because reports are surfacing on the web that Samsung's latest flagship does not handle pressure changes well. Besides the disappointment that it will thus never be able to take up a manager position (couldn't avoid the joke), the issue makes for some truly deafening noise:
Volume warning for the following video.
Apart from flights, temperature differences are also said to cause problems. As Caschy's blog reports, a longer use in cold weather with a subsequent change to a heated room is also problematic. While Samsung has not officially confirmed the phenomenon yet, there is apparently already a simple solution.
The bug is probably very easy to fix
According to a reader from Caschy's blog, removing the SIM card tray is enough to fix the speaker problems. This opens the phone, which is actually sealed for water protection, and thus ensures pressure compensation. Afterward, the speakers should sound as usual again.
If this doesn't solve the problems, you will have to open an RMA case if it is still under warranty. In this case, it is best to contact Samsung's customer service directly and describe the problem. Alternatively, you can also contact the store where you purchased the phone.
Have you already noticed a temporary deterioration of the S22 speakers? If so, how long did the problems last? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Samsung Forum (1), Samsung Forum (2), Caschys Blog
My S22 just got overheated while left in the sun, and the speaker started crackling. I removed and placed back the sim card as suggested here and problem solved!
My S22 Ultra right speaker started crackling after about 18 months. Since it wasn't under warranty, Samsung won't fix it. It'd be nice if they stood behind their products when so many people are having the same issue. The only thing I found to fix the problem is Settings>Accessibility>Hearing Enhancements. Go to bottom and move the Phone Speaker to the Left.
I live at 8888 feet. Whenever I travel to the neighboring town or pretty much anywhere lower in elevation I have to pop my sim card out. I have to do this multiple times a day and I am sick of it. Samsung lost a customer over this. Going back to Apple.
I live at 8888 feet in Colorado so altitude and temperature us a constant issue. When I am traveling, even just driving to the neighboring town 30 minutes away and lower in elevation I have to pull my sim card. I just did a trip to AZ and I had to pull the card out EVERY DAY! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! I called Samsung and they said I'd have to send my phone in for them to make sure it's the phone. I have 3 of the pieces of **** and every one has the same problem. And what person, in this day and age, can be without their phone to send it in?! I will never, ever, ever buy Damsung again!!! Kicking myself. I shouldn't have to pull my sim card out multiple times a day to be able to use my phone. The speaker renders it useless in making or receiving calls because I am unable to hear the other person.
I resolved this issue by lifting the edge of my camera lens protector that I installed. Issue occurred after returning from a ski trip.
Well, here to tell you the sim card trick fixed it! Just seems so odd.
Mine first did it when listening to amazon music in the car. Disabling Alexa and her access to the microphones fixed it. However, it did it again after a fairly long trip using Android Auto. I'm going to try sim card. I might try getting rid of Android Auto, as well.
I purchased my s22 on the 15th December. 3 weeks later I walked to & from work all week and each time I was out in the cold weather, I found that I was unable to make or receive calls due to feed back from the speaker. This problem has persisted and I now have the same problem even if the temperature in the house is cold. I went back to carphone warehouse were I was told to go directly to Samsung which I have done. I was told only yesterday by a Samsung that I would have to prove the fault to them. That is very difficult to do when it only happens if the phone is cold and the store is located in the middle of one of the countries biggest retail centres. As i explained this, I was advised to ring Samsung and book a home appointment were a technician will come to me. He then advised that I take the sim card tray out the next time it does it and see what happens. The same issue began again today so I tested his theory. It worked! BUT NOT FOR LONG! The problem has not gone away. It fixes it only temporarily. As soon as the temperature drops I'm back to square one. Am I expected to carry around the pin in order to take my sim card tray out each time this happens. Absolutely ridiculous! They should all be recalled. I will be straight on the phone to them tomorrow morning.
Sadly, that's exactly what I've been forced to do. I have to carry a sim card tool in my phone e case so I can remove the tray multiple times a day. 🤬
Had not done any airline travel since getting this phone, until a 4 day trip going from Florida on the ocean to high elevation Mexico City (& on 47th floor of the hotel). I experienced the distortion in the phone's speakers afterwards upon landing back in Florida. By the next morning the distortion was gone & the sound was back to normal. Ahhh!!!! I have a glass cover on my camera lenses, not designed by Samsung, & wonder if that affected the pressure equalization. I can't just remove that cover as I need the camera lens protection. I'll research if Samsung has a glass cover designed for the S22. For now nice to know of the tray opening tip. Thanks.
Just bought the S22. First couple of days running with it, everything was fine. And then I went running on the third day. Not only did the crackling speakers become an issue, but the barometer (used for measuring altitude) was giving obviously inaccurate results (showing my run as 95% uphill at about 500 ft/mile).
Trying to decide whether to undo the purchase and use my old phone til the S23 or take a chance that simply a different S22 will not have this issue.
I've warranties my phone several times. All have the issue.
Wife and I had the same issue with both of our S22+ phones after return flight home. Mine went away but hers persisted - we were about to submit a ticket when I came across this helpful info. Temporarily opening the SIM card compartment fixed the issue, though I am now concerned we will face it again. We've had Samsung phones almost exclusively, this is very unfortunate.
Both my wife's and my S22+ are having this annoying and potentially dangerous issue since we can't hear each other when using the device. The "fix" appears temporary as it continues to happen sporadically and without warning. Reluctant to exchange the phone since it's my only one. But I may have no choice if it continues.
Same here. Went on a plane and I couldn't hear people calling me the whole time there. Also, had it in window sill at home during cold snap and crackling happened. Can't really have sim key with me at all times, that's not an easy fix. Nervous to cut notch in tray but maybe I'll do that.
My S22+ has this issue. Popping the sim works, but still frustrating. I heard a rumor of a different fix and am looking for verification. My phone case came with a separate glass protector to cover the camera lenses. Rumor is to remove/not use that lens cover and the pressurization problem goes away. Somehow the pressure equalizes through/near the lenses? Can anyone verify?
Yes, I confirm. This rumour is true and this became my life saviour. Thanks for this comment.
So my Galaxy S22 was having crackled speaker issue in temparature changes just like others. Tried many things, nothing worked.
Then when I noticed this comment, I remembered, I was using a camera protector lense too. So, I had to test it. In cold wheather, when it was again crackling, I removed the camera protector lense and boom! The issue is gone!
So somehow Samsung is equalizing the pressure difference through that camera lense or near somewhere.
So, tips for everyone, DO NOT USE CAMERA LENSE PROTECTOR IN S22.
Thx, it worked for me to remove the camera glass protector. I had the issue for 2 months and sent it for repairs, but it still had the same problem when I was outdoors in cold temp, but removing the protector fixed it
Taking the sim card out temporarily fixed the issue for me
Mine seems to act up when I change elevations (driving from and to work), and only in the lower elevation area. Once I get back towards the city I live in (a higher elevation), the sound reverts to normal. And it seems to change how sound is emitted from the phone (sound coming from where you press your ear for a phone call, as well as the speaker at the bottom of the phone). I started noticing the issue at least 6 months ago (I got the phone 7 months ago).