AndroidPIT Hands On With Samsung’s Newly Announced Audio Docks

Yesterday I attended a Samsung event here in Berlin, and had a chance to go hands on with Samsung’s new lineup of audio docks. The docks not only looked great, but also sounded amazing, and I was really surprised to see that most of the docks not only had ports for connecting to Android devices, but an additional port for iPads and iPhones as well. I also had a chance to speak with Samsung on why they decided to go this route, as it’s obviously something that Apple would never ever do, and I left the event not only very impressed with the new lineup, but also with Samsung's attitude toward its consumers.
First up is the DA-550, which is the smallest model of Samsung’s lineup. The station has a port for Android phones, Galaxy Tablets, and IOS devices (dual dock), a 2 channel speaker system (with integrated ST amplifier) that runs at 10W RMS (2x5W), is compatible with WAV, MP3, and WMA files, and can be connected over Bluetooth 3.0. It also features an optimized UI app for Galaxy devices and a remote control. The price was listed at 169.99 Euros, and will most likely be 169.99 dollars when it hits the US in 2 weeks. Here's what it looks like:
Next up is the DA-E650, which is is the big brother to the DA-550. This model also has a port for Android phones, Galaxy Tablets, IOS devices (dual dock), a 2.1 channel speaker system (with integrated ST amplifier) that runs at 40W RMS (2x20W), is compatible with WAV, MP3, and WMA files, and can be connected via USB Direct Play or Bluetooth 3.0+ HS. It also comes with a remote and has an optimized app for Galaxy devices. The dock is available in black or walnut, and the price was listed at 229.99 Euros. Samsung stated that it will most likely be 229.99 dollars when it hits the US in 2 weeks, bbut couldn’t officially confirm this. Here's a picture I took of the DA-E650:
Next we have the fiberglass coated DA-E660, which more or less the same as the DA-E650 (above), with the main difference being that it’s only compatible with Android phones and Galaxy tablets (no IOS port). Price wise, it will be the same as the DA-E650.
The DA-E670 is next in the lineup, and is shaped differently than the previous 3 docks. This model has a door on the back that extends when you press it, which opens up port for Android phones, Galaxy Tablets, IOS devices (dual dock), a 2.1 channel speaker system (with integrated ST amplifier) that runs at 40W RMS (2x20W), is compatible with WAV, MP3, and WMA files, and can be connected via USB Direct Play, Bluetooth 3.0+ HS, Airplay, and Allshare. It also comes with a remote and has an optimized app for Galaxy devices. This model is available in black, and is selling for 349.99 Euros. Samsung stated that it will most likely be 349.99 dollars when it hits the US in 2 weeks, but couldn’t officially confirm this. Here's a press photo of the dock:
The DA-E750 is next in line, and is a lot more powerful than the previous models above. This model has a concealed dock on the back that extends when you press on it, which opens up port for Android phones, Galaxy Tablets, IOS devices (dual dock), a 2.1 channel speaker system (with integrated Vacuum Tube amp and phase plug) that runs at 100W RMS (2x20W + 60W Subwoofer), is compatible with WAV, MP3, and WMA files, and can be connected via USB Direct Play, Bluetooth 3.0+ HS, Airplay, and Allshare. It also comes with a remote and has an optimized app for Galaxy devices. This model is available in wood brown, and is selling for 599.99 Euros. Samsung stated that it will most likely be 599.99 dollars when it hits the US in 2 weeks, but couldn’t officially confirm this. Last but not least, is the DA-E751, which is identical specwise to the DA-E750, but is black in color. Price wise, it will be the same as the DA-E750.Here's a photo I took of the black dock:
I had a chance to sit down with Samsung Marketing Manager Sang-Won Byun and talk about the device. I told him that I was a bit surprised to see most of the devices working so well with both Android and IOS devices, and asked why he felt Apple would never do such a thing. His response was:
“At Samsung, we want to keep connectivity options open to everyone. This not only benefits Samsung in terms of sales, but also allows us to reach a broader range of consumers. We don’t want to limit the choices of consumers by restricting our docks to only work with our products”.
I also spoke with Samsung Product Manager Ross Slavov, and asked him about some of the advantages of the new docking stations. He said that the “portability, power, design, multiple price ranges, and numerous connection options make these devices appealing to consumers”, and was kind enough to help me test the docks with my Galaxy Nexus. I have to admit that I was very impressed by the sound, and could easily see one of these docks landing in my apartment.
I have to admit that I didn’t expect to be so excited after going to an event that showcased a docking station. But after leaving, I was not only really impressed by the product, but also by the Samsung associates. They are working very hard to keep consumers with all different types of mobile phones and tablets happy with their devices, and I very much applaud them for their open minded attitude and their hands on assistance at this very enjoyable event.
What do you guys think of the docks? Could you imagine one of these sitting in your living room?
Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Will definitely go check them out when they become available - probably the DA-550 or DA-E650. I really like their attitude and multi-platform approach.
I also would have really expected more from Sony and LG. I own 2 HD TV's from LG, and they make great TV's. I own multiple appliances from Sony as well, and I find it hard to believe that Samsung is giving both companies so many problems in other sectors.
Samsung is really trying to take over the world!
Samsung & Toshiba were two of the most impressive Co's @ C.E.S. ... I was surprised (but I shouldn't have been) that Sony, Microsoft, Nokia, etc didn't have much to offer, but I think C.E.S. needs to move to a different time of the year (when Co's have new Electronic Goods for Consumers available to see vs a prototype only) or face Co's just doing what Apple does (having their own Publicity Stunt to promote new technology) ...
I saw more innovative technology with regards to Smart Phone Technology at E3 this year (& I think a lot of that was because the tech was finally available to debut to Consumers) ....
I notice more Bluetooth connectivity (its time for Smart Charge & transferring files from a Smart Phone to a device to be combined into one with minimal usb port cables used) :)
I know what you mean! If you dont own or live in a house, its not even worth (allowed) having a powerful sound system!
And yeah, I find it pretty cool that Android and IOS devices are both supported. Its all about choice!
USB Direct Play & a Remote Control .... will have to wait to see if these features can be integrated into the smaller unit (DA-550) ... I can't even use surround sound in my Condo without a neighbor complaining they can hear it (sad huh?) so a larger unit is out of the question ... still. huge THUMBS UP for SAMSUNG & I respect their decision to make their device compatible for every form of smart phone & tablet currently on the market
I like em too!