Why Android users are smarter than iPhone users

Admit it … you’ve thought this before: Android users are intellectually superior to iOS users. I am not trying to troll you, so I want to be transparent about the purpose of the article: I'm just playing devil’s advocate. At AndroidPIT, we are aware that our readers are Android and iPhone users. I don’t want to generalize or to offend. I hope this post generates healthy discussion. Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

You’re reading this article
If you’re an Android user reading this article, you probably want a few laughs at the expense of Apple. If you’re an iPhone owner, you’re probably a bit of a masochist. Let’s use a safe word, so that Apple users can leave if things get too intense.
iOS is an operating system for children

All right, now I will get into the meat of my argument. The iPhone has been called “intuitive” and “sleek”. Others see iOS has a “fast” and “simple” operating system.
Let’s face it: “simple” is a synonym for “dumb”. If you appreciate the simplicity of an iPhone, it might be because you can’t handle a grown-up Android phone.
If I were to buy a phone for my grandmother – who is basically computer illiterate – I would get her an iPhone.

- Best cheap Android tablets
- Best cheap Android phones
In the Android vs. iPhone debate, price is an important issue. Why would anyone spend hundreds on a device when you spend a fraction on an Android phone?
I’ll point to the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, the LG G3 and the Sony Xperia Z3 as contenders against the iPhone. Aside from the landmark phones, some budget Android phones are equally impressive. With the OnePlus One, the Nexus 5 and the LG G2 selling for half the price of an iPhone, why not try one out?
I will concede, there can be some downsides to Android ownership. On stability and speed, an iPhone often bests Android.
Imagine you’re making two machines (apps): one for a paved road (iOS) and one for a twisty, bumpy road (Android). Yes, sometimes the Android app may take a few seconds to load, or may crash unexpectedly. But consider that the Android app can run on phones from dozens of companies, using about 21 versions of Android. Impressive, right? There is a cost to freedom, and sometimes the cost is waiting a few seconds for an app to load.
The iPhone is the device of sheep

As a brand, Apple is fashionable. The iPhone wasn’t the first smartphone - or the best - but its release did spark an interest in the masses.
Soon, elites were rushing to buy iPhones. They gained a certain cache as a status symbol. Then, Android came along. It was a free, open platform that allowed developers to get creative. Android phones became affordable and fast … but somehow never gained the cult status of the iPhone. In short, the iPhone is a phone for the rich, the elite or anyone else who drank the Apple Kool-Aid.
At the beginning of the article, I promised that I wouldn’t troll you. Gotcha! I have made some big assertions, which might get me in trouble. Bring it, Apple fans!

I will leave you with this map of the United States, from the advertising agency Chitika. Over the Christmas holidays, it collected data about hundreds of millions iPhone users nationwide. Their findings? iPhone users had higher levels of education.
Before you get excited, this data is biased. To be included in Chitika’s poll, iPhone users had to click on mobile ads from Chitika’s platform, Cidewalk. To be a truly accurate data set, the iPhone users would have to be chosen at random. Because certain iPhone users self-selected by clicking the ad, this data is skewed.
My point? As the Android vs. iPhone battle is volleyed across the internet, many of the arguments are up for interpretation.
Where do you weigh in on the Android vs. Apple debate? Do you consider yourself superior to iPhone users?
[This article was originally published on AndroidPIT.it by Mattia Mercato]
Via: AndroidPIT.it
"Their findings? iPhone users had higher levels of education."
Biased data aside, let me leave you with this. You spent $500 on a phone, hundreds of thousands on an education...and you still can't get rid of a random U2 album on your phone.
Good job.
who cares which is better, just live your life and have fun
I love technology and have been keeping two phones with me for a long time. The two phones are an iPhone and a Nexus. Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses and their rivalry is healthy for it's advantageous to us users. I am already using Android M and IOS 9 preview editions. I am thrilled at how these platforms are different but the same somehow as they both tends to borrow features from each other. As a user of both Android and IOS, I don't know if I am smarter or not and after all smarter than who.
The apple users that are all in an uproar about the article, search for the article about apple users being smarter than android users written BEFORE this article. Honestly you can't make a blanket statement and expect everyone to fit within the boundaries. That said, using a device that is much simpler and is not near as comprehensive as the other, doesn't make you smarter. Most people got the iPhone because celebrities use them. If you're only capable of using a simpler item, that in no way implies that you're smarter than the person using the more complex item.
Androids allow more creativity, freedom and ingenuity. They're not restrictive and exclusive like Apple is. Most smarter people like a challenge and the ability to mod and do all they can with their SMARTphone.
In short, tying the word "simple" to "smart" is a dumb move. There's a reason they're called SMARTPHONES and not SIMPLE phones.
I'm smarter because of the phone I use? Wow Android users feeling some type of way that they've got to do all this dick waving. It's a shame. Use what the fuck you want.
You have no empirical data to suggest Android owners are smarter just rehashed arguments about iOS, "Lols crapple". It's a shame. Most of you boys, that's what you are, couldn't hold an intellectual candle to some of the people I know with Apple devices. But lol iSheep. Grow up and use what suits you. Quit trying to conflate your argument with ad hominems and childishness
You accuse Android users of generalization (iSheep?), but in fact you're the one generalizing. Yes, I do think that paying for Apple devices when you can get the same performance with Android at approximately half the price tells something about people. (Not necessarily that they are stupid, but that they are easily manipulated by marketing.) One a sidenote, I am a university instructor with two doctoral degrees and an IQ of 142. I've never seen an intellectual candle myself, but it sounds fascinating, so if you can get me one of those, I'll gladly hold it to whoever you want.
We all know that iOS is a crapy-like locked down operating system. Americans believe that the whole world should own an iphone just because it's an American thing. That's the cold truth...iFools...lol
Hey now, don't generalize Americans as iphail users! I started with ANDROID at its inception, tried crapple and the 4s came out , and came back to Android with the Galaxy Nexus and won't be going back to that terrible platform! LOL
we all now we are smarter than all apple users and the apple users them self know in their heart that we are smarter than they are :p
I'm a retired I.T Mgr who has an Apple computer at home, along with two Microsoft Surface Pro's. I infinitely like the Surface Pro's more. My wife and me, and our older son have Galaxy phones (mine is a Note 4), while our younger son has an iPhone. He, by the way, works for Apple in Cupertino and has always felt that the iPhone and other related Apple products are superior. And yet, those of us with non-Apple products really love our Androids. We have all had our hands on iPhones for short durations, and still wouldn't want to have one long-term. Say what you will, I'll happily stick with a product that I feel I'm in control of rather than the other way around.
I'm not saying anything.. except that any android owner could kick any Apple owners ass... straight up, and bench-press way more, and steal their girlfriend.. and probably tell way funnier "yo mamma" jokes!
Iphone users mostly care about photography (besides the Note 4, there isn't a single Android phone with a camera that rivals the iPhone's. Not so much for detail, but for color reproduction and good exposure, as well as good post processing. I've tried all of the flagships of 2014, and none of them stacked up to it. Also iphone users care about having the coolest apps before everyone else. Android doesn't have Camera+, Notability, Cortex Camera, Hyperlapse, plus apple's apps like Garageband and imovie. None of these apps have a good alternative available on Android, NONE! So I think iphone users are smarter because they don't get to feel jealous very often. The things that android has iphone users don't care about, but the contrary can't be said as seen by the hundreds of people begging tap tap tap to make an android version of Camera+, for example.
wasn't the new Galaxy camera rated superior to the iPhone 6?
My s6 edge camera wipes the floor with my wife's iphone 6 camera so where are you looking for your facts ? 1 click for a cracking photo none of that "can you just stand still buisness" 😉chin up eh...
iPhones camera<<<<<<<<<< s6,S7,s8,pixel,lg g5,g6,v20,v39
Yep - I agree with the author of this article. To summarize: iPhones exist inside a 'closed system' where there is no price or feature competition - which for Android, drives greater innovation. As a result, Apple mobile devices are over-priced and technically underwhelming (Apple has been ripping-off gullible customers for years; I know, I'm a software engineer and was once an Apple sheeple victim - before I knew better). iPhone customers are usually not all that technically savvy, i.e. they could be doctors and lawyers - but not so much engineer types. In other words, they can be generally smart and financially well off - but they're somewhat technologically challenged - to the point where they feel they need a phone or tablet with 'training wheels' - that also 'holds their hand' regarding anything to do with all things mobile.
Once again I agree with you. The control and tight grip Apple has on the iPhone resonates to their customers. Look, as an American company, I'm glad Apple is successful, because I'm an American citizen. But I just don't trust them! Since the debut of the iPhone, I've always thought that something is just not right with that company. I can't put my finger on it. Why the secrecy? Secret societies hide the truth in plain sight.
Get off the not technically savvy argument. Look at the millions of developers with iOS devices and somehow we're not tech savvy. As a developer I choose iOS and my Mac. Guess I'm not tech savvy enough because I don't want to use an Android. I've already done that dance and it didn’t suit me. I started with Android and always grew frustrated with the performance. Ya I flashed ROMS, used Cyanogen Nightlies, stock ASOP flashes as well. Just didn't want to have to hack my device in order to make it work because I needed it for work. That's why I left. I'll never go back.
Your argument that iOS users are inept isn't supported by data. There are millions of Android users as well that aren't tech savvy. Your point is moot.
Trust me if 1million Android users r not tech savvy,then 1 0 million iphone users r not tech savvy.