Why all tech enthusiasts should care about Apple’s iPhone event

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Apple will present the next generation of iPhone’s tomorrow at the Steve Jobs Theater, on its Cupertino campus in California. We’ll be watching the event live to bring you the latest news. But why should you care?
Let me just say from the off, I do not understand the tribalism that exists in the smartphone world. This idea that Apple and Google are rival teams, and one must pledge their allegiance to one or the other is absurd. This is not football. We are consumers, and these companies are competing for our hard-earned cash, nothing more. The best customers for billion-dollar (or trillion-dollar) tech companies are the ones who buy out of blind loyalty.
That said, as a publication that has, in the past, primarily focused on Android, we're often asked why are we even covering the Apple event at all? The truth is, Apple matters to us, and it should matter to you. Whether we like it or not, it's hard to escape that fact that any new developments Apple shows us on Tuesday will probably come to Android phones in the near future. That is just the way this game works. And it works both ways.
Why Apple hardware is a part of our future
The iPhone may be waning in terms of its important to Apple - it now accounts for less than 50 percent of the company's revenue - but the iPhone and Apple hardware, in general, is still of huge interest to tech enthusiasts around the world, regardless of what brand of smartphone they have in their pockets. At least, that's what we believe, and that's why we want to deliver valuable content on Apple hardware.
Like it or not, Apple will continue to inspire industry trends, too. The iPhone X may not have invented the notch, but it is indisputable that it popularized it. Xiaomi, which let’s just politely say ‘takes a lot of inspiration from Apple’, is growing in Europe and beyond. Other brands that are on the rise outside of China, such a Huami, are clearly still taking inspiration from Apple too.

Our interest in Apple boils down to something very simple: we love tech. We're enthusiasts on both the hardware and software side. Apple, like Samsung and Xiaomi and Nokia and Huawei and... ok maybe not LG, but the others make innovative, cutting-edge tech products that of course have their own strengths and weakness but are always interesting. To not cover Apple would be like Rolling Stone boycotting Ed Sheeran or Men's Health not covering... what else does Men's Health do aside from six-packs? Anyway, you get my point.
When it comes to Android and iOS, it’s a game of give and take
Forget the hardware for a second, and look at the software. Android and iOS are becoming more and more similar. Why? Because they are both ‘inspired’ by each other. Exclusive features baked into the operating system do not stay exclusive for long. Successful, innovative ideas are soon repackaged, reimagined or outright copied by whoever failed to think of them first.
I’m not going to play tit for tat here, those who feel the urge to do so can fight amongst themselves about who stole from who, but there are countless examples of parity forming between these two operating systems. Google Pay and Apple Pay, card-like notifications, gesture navigation, night mode, quick charging, facial recognition for unlocking, quick menus, app permissions, dark mode, and countless more debuted on one OS and later came to the other.
We all want to see creativity and innovation in the smartphone market but getting upset about which company got there first is futile. As a tech enthusiast, I’ll be watching the iPhone launch with interest, and I hope to see something new from Apple. I don’t care which company drives innovation, I just want to see what the future looks like.
Are you excited about Apple’s iPhone event tomorrow? Let us know in the comments.
No, Apple doesn't matter to me. Their customer paradigm is hostile to user empowerment, variety and choice. They block third party extension of the platform. They charge and charge for methods and ideas that have free and usually better solutions.
They aren't innovative but refiners of other's ideas.
They are antithetical to open technology.
I have nothing against Apple products. One thing they are good at, is integration. If you have an iphone, mac, watch, iPad it's seamless when you change something on one device to another. The "problem" I have with the iPhone is the locked down nature. I want the phone set up MY WAY, not what some programmer in California thinks it should look like. I have that option, with android. I'm a windows users, work related, and home, so I have no need for the integration between laptops, home, watch, phone. I'm smart enough to know how to do all of that. It's a choice. Loyalty is something I don't understand either. I go with what works best for me. I've driven 5 Mustang autos in the last 30 years. The last one I bought, someone said, you didn't buy an SUV? But everyone is driving an SUV. Ummmm because I drive what I like, not what is trendy. Same with my phone, or any other electronic device I use.
well looks like wht apple is coming with still can't compare to Samsung and note 9 is still feature packed and cost a lot less than the rotten apple !
Apple as just shown again how they love Ripping people off with the Pricing of there New Models plus stopping the updates so there iPhone 6s and SE phones,the only iphones people can afford now
I'm an Android user. I don't care about Apple. But Android Manufacturers do care about Apple and try to re-create what Apple does because they think WE users care about Apple.. A mindshift is needed. I do NOT want a copy of what Apple does, otherwise i'd get an iphone instead of a stupid notch-phone from any manufacturer
The only problem there are a finite amount of ideas so it stands to reason there would be overlap.
The only thing i will be bothered about it the Rip-Off Prices Apple will be adding on to its new models,"Getting Away With It All My Life" Apple loves singing to it iPhone users
I watch both Apple and Google with much interest. At the time that my droid incredible was dying I turned to Apple, first a 4s and then a 5s which both were stable, but then iOS 11 made the 5s nearly unusable. I had been eyeing the original pixel when it was released and then the pixel 2 which is what I have now. The price of the iPhone X put me off as did the iPhone 8. But I’m watching Apple and Google as they release their next generation phones and will view them both with an open mind. I’m happy with my pixel 2 and they both would really have to knock it out of the park for me to consider getting a new phone, but they just may give us all a peek as to what the future may hold. My two pfennig.
pls give us a break not really !
It's not about tribalism. It's about preference. I simply don't care about Apple. I don't like the products, the user paradigm, or worshipping at the altar ofholy glass design.
That Androidpit holds up the iphone as great design is sad. It's hostile design in many ways.
Android has moved beyond apple. The reporting should too.
I don't know. Apple has a lot going for it. Stability and support just to start.
Which is no reason for Androidpit to report on it. It has no bearing for Android users
There's no reason they shouldn't either. Apple is the competition. Apple makes an excellent device and it's good to have varying opinions and not just fanboy opinions that are clearly biased.
Android has moved beyond Apple? I beg to differ ;) Simply look at all the phones that are using a notch or completely ripping off Apple's design. iPhones do have an impact on the Android world and they play a big role in the smartphone world. Therefore we will of course always report about new things like new iPhones :)
The only thing I'm waiting to see is whether or not the U.S. iPhones will have dual SIM capability. If so, then the Android world will follow. And this is a good thing for consumers. If not, then it's just another boring annual cult gathering.
The issue of dual sim in the US is not with the manufacture, it is that service providers do not want them. Since most phones in the US are sold though them I doubt they will come any time soon.
You are correct that the carriers don't want them. But then, we're talking about Apple, the 2 ton gorilla here. No android OEM has the kind of muscle that Apple has. If anyone could change the behavior of the carriers, it would be Apple.
you are right they are the 2 ton gorilla, that does not care what you want. They just expect their heard of sheep to buy what they offer.
True. You'll have to go straight to the manufacturer like OnePlus.
The OnePlus 6 already has Dual Sim.
Yep. So does my Axon 7 :)