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Poll results: The best rival to the iPhone 8 is...

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The iPhone 8 will be unveiled soon, marking the tenth anniversary of the original iPhone. It will no doubt be a headline-maker. But, which of its Android rivals do you think stands a chance against it? The readers have spoken...

In the original poll, we asked which Android phone will be the best rival to the upcoming iPhone 8. The obvious star of the Android world of the moment, the Samsung Galaxy S8, got 22 percent of the vote, but it was two upcoming phones that held the top position in the poll. The Samsung Galaxy Note 8, which is expected to take inspiration from the best aspects of the S8 (including the incredible design), got a quarter of the votes - 25 percent. Barely beating the Note 8, though, was the Google Pixel 2 with 26 percent. Not to be underestimated, anticipation for the next flagship from the big G is high.

iphone 8 rival poll results
The results are clear, Samsung and Google have the most compelling rivals. / © NextPit

As you can see above, no other devices even came close to reaching those numbers, all with under 10 percent of the vote each. It seems half our readers are on team Samsung, while about a quarter look to Google for excitement.

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Brittany McGhee

Brittany McGhee

Brittany loves to keep up with the latest technology and innovation, so she is excited to have the opportunity to write about the wonderful world of Android. She thinks spreadsheets and numbers are fun, in addition to reading books and volunteering.

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  • Greg1100 24
    Greg1100 Aug 4, 2017 Link to comment

    Any Android phone

    Brittany McGhee

  • Malstron 4
    Malstron Aug 3, 2017 Link to comment

    The Xperia ZX for the memory, space and battery.

  • 21
    Peter Harwood Jul 30, 2017 Link to comment

    All this hype about the S8 when the xzpremium beats it on just about everything

  • Ankit Swami 1
    Ankit Swami Jul 30, 2017 Link to comment

    Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is perfect rival to iPhone 8

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