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Poll of the week: What kind of devices are going under your Christmas Tree?

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We decided to kick off November with a poll about what kind of devices you would like to find under your Christmas tree. Now, it is time to take a look at the very intriguing results on NextPit's four main domains.

Socks over Electronics? 

In our first question we asked you to envision what kind of gift you are getting this year. To our surprise most of you have chose the Coal/Socks option across all domains. Most representative is the massive 55% of you that chose Coals/Socks in Germany and it is clear: Electronic devices come second this Christmas. On a more humorous tone we have to warn you that coal is in shortage this season, so socks and other cuddly items should be preferred. 

Regardless, many of you do plan to get electronic devices. English speakers were very diverse in their choices with all categories spreading out evenly over 21-26%, so it seems that our readers are also not that picky when it comes to electronics! Smart Home devices were exclusively popular in COM with 26%, so we will point you to the best Smart Home devices for under $100.

What kind of devices is inside the packages
We hope there's no Sock shortages this year.  / © NextPit

Readers from other domains are more certain about what they would like to see, in Brazil Smartwatches/SmartBands are the most popular choice, alongside other peripherals with 31%. German and French readers would prefer a new smartphone with 26% and 35% respectfully, with a few German readers pointing out that they are not willing to get any special gifts this year.

"It's easy this year: none at all..."

Wrote Olaf from our German Community, a sentiment shared with Lapidarius and Martin

Large brands are more preferable than specialized ones

When it comes to choosing a brand for gifts the results are clear across the board. Samsung dominates the international website with 40% of the votes choosing it as the best choice for presents, something shared with other domains: 31% in Brazil, 33% in Germany and 19% in France.

What brand makes the best Christmas gift
Brazil really likes Xiaomi! / © NextPit

People still love Apple a lot, but the high prices seem to drive them away. As one of you pointed out:

"[...] I would have liked to have the iPhone 13 pro max, if not for the high price [...]"

ROOT Caroline , Franch Community 

Major brands seem to outpace the more specialised ones with Apple staying consistently in the second spot across all domains. France here is the exception, Apple and Samsung are toe to toe for the second place, while the first place is captured by Sony with 34%, a result probably coming from the 28% of French readers who would like a set of Over Ear Headphones.

This data should be taken with a huge grain of salt, since this question was not formulated correctly. As indicated by some readers the choices shouldn't have been limited to one, and there should have been a larger, more inclusive variety of answers.

Affordable and Mid-Range gifts 

But what about the budget? This Christmas shopping period is expected to be weird, the combo of shortages and the pandemic made sure of that. This was brought up by our Brazilian reader Penksemen:

"[...]It is known that our country is going beyond a serious health problem, to complicate matters we are living a very troubled political/economic crisis.[...]"

Penksemen, Brazilian Community

Confirming the above sentiments, our data shows that most of our international readers (29%) are willing to spend up to a maximum of $70 for their gifts with 24% willing to give more than double at $150-$300.

French readers seem to be more willing to spend this Christmas season with 38% of them willing to give 150-300 Euros.

What is your Christmas Budget for 2021
People seem to have saved up for this Christmas season / © NextPit

What is interesting, is that for a considerable amount of international readers (18%) are willing to spend $600-$1200 for their gifts while a portion (12%), is even willing to give $1200+ for their gifts, a number that is consistent through all domains.


Rounding up all the data, it is easy to see the direction that people are taking this year for their gifts. When it comes to devices our readers seem to prefer either cheap or medium priced smartphones, earbuds and smartwatches from Samsung, Apple or Sony. Thankfully these companies have been throwing some generous discounts around.

A positive is that supply on these brands is for now okay-ish, and especially for the midrange category, we can safely say that you will be able to find the gifts you want in the coming months. It is also obvious that a lot of you are considering other or no gifts this year.

Regardless, if you took part in this survey, make sure to pay attention to our future articles because we will be bringing plenty of opportunities for you to find exactly the device you want for your loved ones!

What did you think of the results? Is there any specific device you are looking to gift to someone else? Let us know in the comments bellow!

Original article

Did you notice the piles of orange leaves on yards and sidewalks? This can only mean one thing... Black Friday and Winter are near. Alongside the "Fall of Freddie the Leaf," our moods begin to shift to a gloomy, but festive Christmas spirit. Since most of you decided to make your Christmas shopping earlier this year, we decided to help you out a bit. 

Envision this: It's Christmas Eve, 2021. You walk to the living room. In front of you, the imposing, strobe-lit silhouette of the Christmas Tree towers above you - Yes, for this to work we have to shrink you a bit. Your attention is immediately drawn by the boxes that are pilled comfortably under the tree, waiting to be opened.

You sit by the mountain of boxes and eagerly open them. The scent of shredded paper and "new" plastic overcomes the light smell of smoke from the fireplace while you are tearing the colorful wrappings apart. Your eyes glimmer with the reflection of a brand new device. What is inside the packages? 

What kind of devices is inside the packages?
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Now that you have envisioned the kind of gift that you would get, it is time to think of brands. A pair of earbuds, for example, can vary from brand to brand in style, performance and pricing and in this day and age electronic ecosystems are also a factor when choosing devices. So...

What brand makes the best Christmas gift?
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xmas 02
Look at all these goodies!  / © NextPit

Since I am not a "gifts person" budgeting for my Christmas presents is always a nightmare, how can you put a price tag on feelings? Well, this one is particularly tricky since a single iPhone 13 Pro from Apple may throw you into the $1,000+ range. 

What is your Christmas budget for 2021?
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Don't leave thinking this is everything, our date is already renewed for the results. Christmas is all about giving back after all! Soon we will collect the data, analyze and publish them come Monday.

The benefit here is double, you get to know what kind of devices people around the world like, new ideas for presents and we at NextPit get to know what kind of Deals articles we are going to provide you with over the coming months. This way we want to ensure that everyone will get something that they enjoy, even with the ongoing shortages. 

Until then, are there any other gifts you would like to see that were not listed? What would the worst gift you could find in your presents be? Let us know in the comments! 

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Zois Bekios Zannikos

Zois Bekios Zannikos
Junior Editor

Gamer and Tech enthusiast with an affinity for all things scientific. When i am not writing here on NextPit you'll find me arguing with strangers on Facebook. Too young for a Millenial, too old for Gen Z.

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  • 27
    Sorin Nov 2, 2021 Link to comment

    If Santa came down the chimney, I'd love to get an M1 Max laptop !!!... because I was absolutely amazed by the performance of the new Apple processor. Except that this remains just "Wishful Thinking", or maybe in an alternate reality - reality right now does not financially allow me to enjoy such a gift. Come to me, Santa!

  • 3
    jaimsolis Nov 1, 2021 Link to comment

    Good Post.

    Zois Bekios Zannikos

  • 49
    storm Oct 31, 2021 Link to comment

    None of your listed brands make my list.

    jaimsolisSorinZois Bekios Zannikos

    • Zois Bekios Zannikos 9
      Zois Bekios Zannikos Nov 1, 2021 Link to comment

      Which brand would you choose for a gift?


      • 49
        storm Nov 1, 2021 Link to comment

        Motorola would be my starting point in a phone. Accessories would probably start with Anker, aukey

        SorinZois Bekios Zannikos

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