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Poll of the week: What's your impression about Apple's Spring event?

Apple event peak performance 04
© Apple

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The latest tech events have certainly lost ground in recent weeks to issues like the war in Ukraine, for example. We noticed this in our audience's interest in MWC 2022 and today with the NextPit community's excitement over Apple's recent announcements. However, our poll of the week confirmed the strong interest in at least one new device!

The Mac Studio was the highlight of Apple's Spring event

While the third-generation iPhone SE appeared in the poll comments as something that disappointed our community, most people voted for the Mac Studio and the M1 Ultra SoC upgrade as being the highlights of Apple's event. This shows that the pre-sale success of the device in the US should extend to the global market as well.

In NextPit's German domain, the three big highlights were the Mac Studio (34%), the M1 Ultra SoC (39%), and the new iPad Air 2022 (19%). Our community in France followed pretty much the same pattern, however, the iPhone SE (2022) appeared as the relevant launch receiving 28% of the attention.

The iPhone SE is so slimmed down that it is really more of a disappointment and in general the prices have also risen perversely. I'm really glad I'm not attached to the Apple ecosystem. The M1 Ultra SoC is cool though.

Benjamin Wagener, German Community

For international audiences, the new iPad Air (50%) and Mac Studio (50%) share the same degree of importance here, while the M1 Ultra (33%) appears as the third most relevant Apple announcement during the spring event.

Poll of the week Apple Spring event 2022
The new Mac Studio and the M1 Ultra SoC were highlights of Apple's March event / © NextPit

The M1 Ultra is a nice upgrade, but you wanted more!

In our first poll, it was clear that the M1 Ultra was a considerable upgrade over last year's processor. Much of this may be associated with people's interest in Mac Studio. However, our audience clearly expected more, as the release of the M2 chip appeared prominently in all NextPit domains as an expected announcement.

I'm not interested in Apple because it's too expensive. But the most exciting was the cheaper iPhone, but disappointed. What I would have liked to see: an iPhone with a 6.2" display, no notch, a contemporary housing and a starting price of around 400 dollars.

DanielN7, German Community

Also, many of you would have liked to see some new software-related features of the iPhone (50% COM; 20% DE, 20% FR), as well as iPod Touch (50% COM), a new 27" iMac (20% DE) and the much-rumored Apple Glass (27% FR).

Poll of the week Apple Spring event 2022 1
Even though this is not an event to reveal software news, you would have liked to have seen more announcements along these lines / © NextPit


Looking at the results of our poll of the week, it is clear that Apple's spring event was not as exciting as the expectation we had regarding the announcements. It also put some pressure on WWDC 2022 and the announcement event for the new iPhone 14 series, when we actually expect to see significant changes to Apple's hardware and software ecosystem.

As always, thanks for participating in our poll of the week, and see you next Friday!

Original text

The week started with Apple's Spring event. Entitled "Peek Performance", we had a number of interesting announcements such as the iPhone SE (2022), the Mac SoC upgrade, and the next generation of the iPad Air 5 series. Today we want to know your opinion about Apple's first launches in 2022!

Considering that the new Mac Studio is already sold out until May this year, it would be reasonable to say that Apple's Spring event was a success. However, the criticism regarding the new generation iPhone SE raises certain suspicions about last Tuesday's presentation. Which of the announcements excited you the most, and what were you really missing from Apple's spring event in 2022?

Did Apple's Spring event excite you?

Personally, two things caught my attention at Apple's presentation: the new Mac Studio and Studio Display. The reason for this is that both devices are geared towards content production such as image and video as well as programming. In addition, the new PC brings Apple's upgraded SoC which is now called M1 Ultra.

And despite all the criticism regarding the iPhone SE (2022), Apple has finally equipped the device with a 5G modem. Considering that this device probably won't get an upgrade until 2024, I'm glad to see that this network option is coming to the Cupertino giant's most affordable series of phones.

But enough about my impressions, because what we really want to know is your opinion. Which of the announcements from the Peek Performance event did you enjoy the most? The comments section of this article is open so you can better describe your choices in the first poll of this poll.

What was the most exciting announcement of Apple's Spring event?
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What was missing from Apple's spring event this year?

During the event, nothing was heard about new software features, even with iOS 15.4 being in beta. However, this is not really a surprise, given that it is at Apple's Developer Conference — WWDC 2022 — that we expect to see major changes related to Apple's OS. However, the company does mention iOS 15.4, iPadOS 15.4, and macOS Monterey 12.3 updates are coming in the coming weeks.

And for those who were waiting for the announcement of a new iPod Touch in 2022 — since the last update launched in 2019, it was not this time that Apple filled the hearts of fans of the series with joy, like my colleague Rubens Eishima [seriously]. We also did not have the launch of a new 27" iMac or anything related to the long-awaited and rumored Apple Glass (again: this was not really a surprise).

So we also want to know your opinion about what we missed at Apple's spring event!

What else would you like to have seen at Apple's spring event in 2022?
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Take part in our poll of the week and share your opinion about Apple's recent announcements with our community. As usual, on Monday we will analyze the poll results across all three NextPit domains and publish our community's different perspectives on the topic. Have a great weekend!

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Camila Rinaldi

Camila Rinaldi
Head of Editorial

With over a decade of experience in tech product reviews, I’ve recently embraced the world of wearables and developed a passion for digital health innovations. While I am now deeply immersed in the Apple ecosystem, my enthusiasm for Android still burns strong. Formerly editor-in-chief at AndroidPIT and Canaltech in Brazil, I now share my insights with the US audience at nextpit. Beyond tech, I cherish my vinyl collection and believe exploring local cuisine is the best way to discover new places. Join me as I explore the fusion of technology and culture in our everyday lives.

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  • Simone Costi 21
    Simone Costi Mar 14, 2022 Link to comment

    I haven 't watched the event, but I would like to see an iPhone 13-inspired iPod Touch

    Rubens Eishima

    • Rubens Eishima 30
      Rubens Eishima
      • Admin
      • Staff
      Mar 15, 2022 Link to comment

      By now, I would settle with an iPod Touch using the iPhone 6/6s/7/8/SE2/SE3 design.

      The SE3 with the A15 and without the Snapdragon modem would be an amazing gaming device.

      Camila Rinaldi

      • Simone Costi 21
        Simone Costi Mar 15, 2022 Link to comment

        I said "iPhone 13-inspired design" because I would like the idea of seeing the iPhone 6-like design disappear completely in the next 4 to 6 years.

        Rubens Eishima

      • Rubens Eishima 30
        Rubens Eishima
        • Admin
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        Mar 15, 2022 Link to comment

        completely agree.

        I was hoping to see Apple ditch the 6's design next year, "reusing" the iPhone 11 design. But with the SE 2022 launch I don't think it will happen...

  • 49
    storm Mar 11, 2022 Link to comment

    I didn't care.

    I don't see myself participating in corporate operated ecosystems. I've gone FOSS for everything else. And I'm getting my phones to go there too.

    My cars have no telematics. I would probably disconnect the telematics for my car if I bought one with that crap.

    Rubens Eishima

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