These 5 apps will help control your social media use

Studies show that 71% of mobile phone users sleep with their device less than three feet from them. But this isn’t just a habit they keep in the wee hours. On average, we consult our phones about 150 times a day. And believe it not, smartphones accompany one in three users when they enter the bathroom (hopefully to take selfies). That’s why it seems like social networks control us and that we don’t control them. If this is true about you, don’t worry, here are the best apps to control your social media use. Are you ready to quit?
Instant is absolutely one of the best apps for controlling the amount of time you spend on a given activity. And not just on social networks, but also sleeping, visiting places, travelling or exercising. It collects real-time data that makes it very easy to set short-term goals or objectives for sleeping, your time on social networks, or daily exercise routines.
Its confusing name is short for ‘if this, then that’. This app contains hundreds of options you can configure to save time you spend checking your phone or reducing the time you spend on social networks. For example, you can set up notifications for certain apps that will automatically be turned off when you enter your office. You can also have the device send a message to a certain contact when you leave your house. The more creative you get, the fewer times you’ll have to take your smartphone out of your pocket.
Using the famous Pomodoro technique, which sets out to create invisible work intervals of 25 minutes and five minutes of leisure, Forest makes you more responsible with your phone use, so you can really focus on the important things in your life. Utilizing a creative idea, this Android app makes you plant a tree that will only grow if you’re able to keep concentrated instead of checking your phone. In the end, you’ll have a more effective work routine and a forest full of trees.
Quality Time
With more than a million downloads, Quality Time is one of the best apps in this field. Among its best features is its ability to count how many times you've logged on to an app in a certain time range (day, week, month), as well as notify you when you've reached a previously set time limit on each social network app.
In a really simple way, Checky counts how many times you’ve unlocked your phone and looked at it during the day. The counter is reset at midnight every day, and the information collected in 24 hours is transferred to the statistics section, where you can review and monitor your behavior more independently.
And what about you? Do you know of any other good apps for controlling your social media addiction? Let us know in the comments!
the best way is to unistal them.
If you need an app to control your social media, maybe you need to cut back on your social media.