Android 11: after the Pixel, OnePlus is first to offer the update, at your own risk

A stable version of Android 11 is finally here. After Google's Pixel, the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro are the first (but not the only) third party smartphones to offer the upgrade, not without risk.
The first open beta of OxygenOS 11, the Android 11-based interface, is coming to the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro on Wednesday, September 9.
In an article titled "OxygenOS 11 Open Beta 1 for OnePlus 8 Series" and published on the brand's forums, OnePlus explains that it is one of the first smartphone brands to officially offer Android 11.
But, because there is a but, to enjoy this open beta of OxygenOS 11 and thus Android 11 on your OnePlus 8 or OnePlus 8 Pro, you will have to delete all the data saved on your smartphone. So remember to back up all your data if you really want to discover the new interface and features before anyone else.
To benefit from the beta of OxygenOS 11, you must go to the article published by the brand by clicking here. Next, download the zip file of the latest ROM corresponding to your model, copy it to the storage space of your OnePlus 8 or OnePlus 8 Pro, then go to the system options and run a local update.
To do this, go to Settings > System > System Update > Click on the icon in the top right corner > Local Update > Click on the installation package corresponding to your model > Update > Wait until the Update is 100%.
It's all detailed in the OnePlus community blog post and you'll also find links to download the installation packages. Also note that you will find in this post links to restore your system and make a rollback with peace of mind.
Source: OnePlus