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RoboDeck: Fully automated deck staining and cleaning robot

Robodeck smart deck cleaner stain
© Robodeck

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Not only lawn mowers or are getting smart robotic versions, but deck cleaners too. The new RoboDeck is the first automated self-staining and cleaning robot for deck or terrace. Just like a standard robot vacuum cleaner, it comes with an AI navigation system along with support for smart home assistants like Alexa, Google, and Apple's HomeKit.


  • Robodeck is a fully automated deck care robot.
  • The device can both clean and apply staining to wooden deckings.
  • Robodeck is offering a subscription plan or a single-use cartridge.

Smart robot that automatically cleans and stains your deck

Aside from the usual brushing and cleaning, Robodeck is an all-in-one deck care robot that also intelligently sprays stain onto your deck to renew the colors and apply sealants without resurfacing. According to the company, its stain is water-based and eco-friendly. In addition, it is suitable for all types of outdoor flooring.

Robodeck can clean your deck without limits. However, in terms of staining, you will need to refill or reload the cartridge once the sealant runs out. A single cartridge that costs $35 is good for 500 sq. feet or 46 sq meters. The company is offering a monthly subscription plan at $20 that includes a cartridge – and where you don't need to buy the device separately.

Robodeck smart robot deck cleaner self-staining
Robodeck says that floor resurfacing is not required when staining your deck using the smart robot cleaner. / © Robodeck

The device comes with advanced sensors that ensure it will not fall into a pool or get stuck in a floor gap. And similar to a smart vacuum cleaners, users can also schedule or select a routine using the mobile app. Alternatively, you can connect and control it using the supported home assistants from Apple, Amazon and Google.

Pricing and availability of Robodeck

The Robodeck is yet to launch on Kickstarter. So, there's no actual pricing and actual release date mentioned for the standalone deck cleaner. The kit will also come with an optional docking station to recharge the robot during mid-cleaning operation.

Based on the company's findings, you can save up to 70 percent when you use the Robodeck compared to hiring a professional deck cleaner. Knowing this, how much are you willing to spend on a smart robot like this? Let us know your thoughts.

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Jade Bryan

Jade Bryan
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I still remember how amazed I was when I first got hold of the Nokia 3210 back when I was a kid, and it was during that time I developed my love for technology, particularly for mobile phones. I started sharing my knowledge through writing in different blogs and forums back in Nokia Nseries era. I even make videos before where I put different phones side-by-side. Today, I'm still an avid enthusiast of smartphones, but my interests have evolved into smart devices and electric vehicles.

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  • 49
    storm May 23, 2022 Link to comment

    Interesting. Still have to do the vertical parts, stairs and probably cutting in around walls, posts and such.

    Wonder how it deals with screw pops, board lifting and warps and similar obstacles.

    Does it require connectivity or is it fully local?