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Fed up with Bixby? Here's how to disable Samsung's assistant

AndroidPIT Samsung Galaxy S8 2087
© nextpit

Over the last year Samsung has introduced a new physical button dedicated to its virtual assistant Bixby. The only problem is that it can annoy many users who involuntarily activate it. In this article we’ll show you how to disable Bixby, the Bixby Voice, and the Bixby button on your home screen.


There are many reasons to want to get rid of the Pixby assistant. Just as a quick reminder, Bixby is divided into two aspects: Bixby Voice and Bixby Home. Some people might not appreciate that the assistant can be activated by accident, and other people might not want to use the Bixby Voice feature. Whatever your reason may be, we’ll show you how to deactivate it.

Note: This trick doesn’t work on the Galaxy Note 9

How to disable the Bixby button

Despite its initial reluctance, Samsung has finally given us the option of deactivating the physical button on its devices. Unfortunately, it still can’t be reprogrammed. It’s either for Bixby or completely useless!

Firstly, you’ll need a Samsung account. The world’s number one manufacturer is indeed clever. In order to deactivate the Bixby button, you’ll have to create an account first.

  • Open Bixby as you normally would by clicking the physical button on the left.
  • From the Bixby main screen, tap the Settings icon in the upper right corner of your screen. A window will open at the top with the cursor set to the On position.
  • Deactivate the Bixby button by switching it to the Off position.
androidpit bixby remove
Click on the button at the top right to activate or deactivate Bixby. / © NextPit

How to deactivate Bixby Voice

Even if you’ve disabled the Bixby button, be aware that holding down the Bixby button will activate Bixby Voice. Fortunately, there’s a way to solve this problem as well. All you have to do is swipe to the right until you reach Bixby Home or press and hold down the Bixby button.

  • Press the three vertical dots on the top right.
  • Navigate the settings
  • Turn off Bixby Voice and you’re done!
androidpit desactivate bixby
You can deactivate Bixby Voice very simply. / © NextPit

How to deactivate Bixby on your home screen

Tired of unintentionally activating Bixby on the home screen? There’s good news, since you can deactivate Bixby from your home screen.

  • Press and hold on the home screen
  • Swipe to the right of the screen
  • Deactivate Bixby Home and voila!
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To reactivate Bixby Home, simply follow the same procedure. / © NextPit

Do you think it is useful (or interesting) to remove Bixby? Or do you think the voice assistant is necessary for your smartphone?

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Pierre Vitré

Pierre Vitré
Head of Content

Pierre has a strong passion for new technologies and mobile since its first StarTac. Android user since 2011, Pierre became totally hooked. He never leaves his smartphone and smartwatch and still believes in the success of Google Glass. That's why he joined to be the head of content.

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  • Rusty H. 33
    Rusty H. Aug 31, 2018 Link to comment

    Kind of drastic, but I bet a drop of superglue in and around that button would stop it ;)

    • 28
      itprolonden Sep 1, 2018 Link to comment

      Let us know!