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The best Samsung Galaxy Note 8 deals available right now

AndroidPIT Samsung NOTE 8 GOLD 4356
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Have you been looking to get involved with Samsung’s Note line? Now that the Galaxy Note 9 is out, there has never been a better time buy the Galaxy Note 8! We’ve scoured the internet to find you the very best Note 8 deals that are available right now.

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Best deals for the Note 8 in the US

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is still an excellent smartphone in 2018, especially if you are sympathetic to the brand but don't fancy shelling out a thousand bucks on the new Note 9. You'll still get an S-Pen and, although it's not quite as impressive as the new one it still does a solid job. Not much else changed for the Note 9 though, so the why consider a Note 8 and save yourself some cash?


Best Buy 


Best deals for the Note 8 in the UK

For those of you on the British Isles, here is a round-up of the best deals available in your region right now.



John Lewis 


Have you spotted any better deals for Samsung's Galaxy Note 8? Let us know in the comments!

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David McCourt

David McCourt

David enjoys staying abreast of the latest technology and newest Android apps. Outside of the office, he can be found playing snooker and writing bad 00s indie songs.

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  • Jerry's W. 20
    Jerry's W. Sep 10, 2018 Link to comment

    You forget the most important thing tot mention, ill do it for you right here;


    (to get rid of the "old" stuff)

    • Bastian Siewers 66
      Bastian Siewers Sep 10, 2018 Link to comment

      Well, it isn't. Please refrain from making any assumptions you have no proof of ;) As always, if an article was sponsored in any way we will mark it as such an article.