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Poll results: Will you buy the OnePlus 5?

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The OnePlus 5 was just launched on June 20. Right before the launch, we asked our audience: Based on everything known so far, would you buy the OnePlus 5? Here's the answer.

There was a steady stream of rumors and leaks leading up to the launch of the OnePlus 5, so we wanted to know if our audience found these rumors enticing. As expected, OnePlus delivered some mighty specs, including the Snapdragon 835 processor and 6 to 8 GB of RAM. It's a serious contender against the Samsung Galaxy S8, HTC U11 and other top phones on the market now.

The results of the poll show that the rumors were enough to convince you of the OnePlus 5's merits, with the majority of the almost 300 respondents indicating that they would buy the new OnePlus flagship.

AndroidPIT oneplus 3t 1353
The OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T. © NextPit

41 percent of respondents said that they would get the OnePlus 5 if all the rumors turn out to be true. There were even many who said they would buy the OnePlus 5, even if they rumors turned out to be false. Those brand loyalists were 18 percent of respondents.

The results weren't all positive though. Another 16 percent thought it was too expensive, while 25 percent were interested in trying a different brand altogether.

It seems that the OnePlus 5 might be a hit! Let us know what you think of the new flagship in the comments!


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Brittany McGhee

Brittany McGhee

Brittany loves to keep up with the latest technology and innovation, so she is excited to have the opportunity to write about the wonderful world of Android. She thinks spreadsheets and numbers are fun, in addition to reading books and volunteering.

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  • 3
    LeMar Gunn Jun 27, 2017 Link to comment

    Honestly who even looks at benchmark tests anymore? I love my OnePlus 3, but I'll be waiting for them to come out with a 5T. Something with a better camera and screen. Don't get me wrong, everything about the 5 is right up my alley. But, I know they will come harder with an update because of all the childish negative press.

  • 31
    Deactivated Account Jun 26, 2017 Link to comment

    NO... no no and definitely no
    I like my android looking like an android.. on the outside as well as the inside.
    what I'm not gonna pay for is a cheap iclone.. which is the basic selling point of one plus it's cheap.. and it's design is err cheap.. there is no design, it's a cheap Chinese copy hyped by masters of bullshit ( "smash the past".. "Ladies first") viral marketing..
    as for the specs.. really?... like 6gb of ram is really gonna improve my smartphone UX, what a load of bollox..

    stormDeactivated Account

    • David Martrano 29
      David Martrano Jul 5, 2017 Link to comment

      No, no & no. Ahh, the jelly effect. No micro s/d expansion, no ip68, no wireless. What happens when the 5t comes out. What updates will the 5 receive, none. Lying with benchmarks. Thank you but definitely a no!

  • Hussain Ahmadi 7
    Hussain Ahmadi Jun 25, 2017 Link to comment

    The answer is NO. But where is the poll?


  • 49
    storm Jun 25, 2017 Link to comment

    As always with one plus. It's mostly hype for the nonprime markets of the world. I'll pass.

    Deactivated Account

  • David Martrano 29
    David Martrano Jun 25, 2017 Link to comment

    No thanks, lying on benchmarks & camera. What happened to the promised update to the op2? Personally they can keep their flagship killer. What happens to the op5 when the 5t arrives will they lie about that update too! That's not what I call a good business!

    Deactivated AccountstormHussain Ahmadi

    • David Martrano 29
      David Martrano Jun 26, 2017 Link to comment

      Never Settle for deception & lies. Benchmarks & updates. The op2, what happens to the people that purchased them. No nouget update. Carl Pei, you have been caught with your pants down. Yikes!

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