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What is the best Google phone: Nexus or Pixel?

Nexus 5x pixel comparison
© nextpit

Google smartphones are among the most popular on the market. There was a time when the Nexus devices were affordable, but the new Pixel devices all carry a large price tag. The Pixel is now even more in demand because quantities are limited in some markets. If you had to choose between the Nexus and Pixel lines, which would you prefer?

The goal of the Nexus was to bring a purer Android experience to the market, where the hardware was important but not always the focus. In terms of design, the Nexus 6P and Nexus 4 are the ones that shine. The ugly duckling may be the Nexus 5, but it has the best balance between cost and performance and is well-loved by developers.

androidpit Nexus 6P 4
The best representation of the Nexus line: the Nexus 6P. / © NextPit

Google's new offering is the Pixel line. There is barely any trace of the name of the manufacturer on the device - it is just branded with a big G. Pixel phones have the latest hardware, an elegant design and exclusive features that no other Android phones have.

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With the Pixel, Google is trying to entice those who would otherwise go for the iPhone. If Apple loses some prestige with a blunder like Samsung's Note 7 disaster, this could be possible.

AndroidPIt google pixel XL 9780
The bigger Pixel: Pixel XL. / © NextPit

The Nexus smartphones were a beloved by many. The Pixel devices maybe haven't had enough time to make the world fall in love with them yet, but some users are excited by them. What is especially remarkable with the Pixel is the improvement of the cameras, though Google was already heading in this direction with the Nexus 6P.

Google's two smartphone lines have their own unique characters, and we want to know your opinion on them.

Which line do you prefer?
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Let us know why you picked your favorite in the comments! Then check out all the rumors about the next Pixel phone.

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Brittany McGhee

Brittany McGhee

Brittany loves to keep up with the latest technology and innovation, so she is excited to have the opportunity to write about the wonderful world of Android. She thinks spreadsheets and numbers are fun, in addition to reading books and volunteering.

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  • 7
    michael doidge Mar 18, 2017 Link to comment

    In my book the Nexus (still use my 6P) line takes an easy win , before you even take into account the poor build quality of the pixels , there is the the matter of price , the pixels are clearly way over priced .
    The pixels have some good points , but so does every other phone , I have money but I wouldn't buy a pixel purely on principle.

  • Saeed Youxafzai 1
    Saeed Youxafzai Mar 18, 2017 Link to comment

    I bought my Nexus 6p 5 months ago . Nexus 6p is a great phone I love this phone but one thing I really missing is OIS . I prefer nexus for those who like premium look phones and bigger displays

  • Paranoid Android 1
    Paranoid Android Mar 11, 2017 Link to comment

    I love both Nexus and my Pixel XL. The Pixel XL wins hands down for me though, but for a few simple reasons. The camera is fantastic, and no bumper like on my Nexus 6p. My family are project fi phone subscribers, and not only love the service, but the phones that work with!

  • 3
    Eric Chen Mar 11, 2017 Link to comment

    I like the design of the iPhone 7, but not the pixel. Maybe its that half and half on the rear side.

    My 6p is still serving me well so I voted Nexus. Love the custom rom options. Pure Nexus.

  • Andrew Mikolajczyk 2
    Andrew Mikolajczyk Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

    I won't touch the Pixel, Pixel 2, or Pixel 3, because of HTC's involvement and their reputation for poor build quality and quality control...
    If I'm going to pay that much for a premium flagship phone it damn well better be premium...And nothing that HTC touches is deserving of that label.
    Not to mention the uninspiring design...The pixel was just a rehash of HTC's iClone the One A9s with some updated guts...

    I'm waiting til June for the Nokia 8, which from rumored specs looks to be everything the Pixel SHOULD have been

    Francesco V.

  • M.G. Bleddynn 1
    M.G. Bleddynn Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

    I have to opt for the Nexus over the Pixel. I love the simplicity of my Nexus 5 and 5X. I do not have an interest in larger phablet phones which is why I chose the smaller 5 and 5X versions. The price point for Pixel hitting the market is just too high to make it competitive right now, and if I get one, it will only be after deep price cuts.

    • David Martrano 29
      David Martrano Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

      First off the XL is always back ordered! The the lense flair, bluetooth connections problems, now microphone problems hardware not software. I know a guy who is on his fifth XL, what's wrong with that picture!

      Francesco V.

  • 4
    Krystal Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

    I am hoping that since they scraped a previous design to go with the current Pixel and they had to rush things to get it to market, the next generation pixel will blow my mind. THEN I might purchase a pixel 2, but only if it comes to most of the carriers *I'm talking to you T-Mobile* AND is water resistant to at least ip67.
    I agree though, this phone was and remains overpriced. You can get truly great phones nowadays for $500-600. For now, I will stick to my S7E & V20

    • David Martrano 29
      David Martrano Mar 12, 2017 Link to comment

      I'm hoping too, that Google buys out HTC. They are on the verge of bankruptcy. There latest offerings the Bolt & U are grossly overpriced products. If Google were to purchase maybe they could bring back the Nexus line. I know wishful thinking!

      • Andrew Mikolajczyk 2
        Andrew Mikolajczyk Mar 12, 2017 Link to comment

        I'm of the opposite mindset...HTC needs to be gone.
        Google buying them out would just perpetuate the quality control and hardware issues they have had for the past couple years as well as some downright stupid design choices...

        I'd rather see HTC close (it's actually just their smartphone division)...And let other OEMs take Google to school and show them how it's done...
        I have high hopes that HMD global will do just that this summer with their Nokia line, running pure stock Android. It seems that they actually listened to what people wanted most and incorporated it...And if they can pull that off with the legendary Nokia build quality and finally deliver a truly premium pure Android phone.

  • Thomas Page-Phillips 2
    Thomas Page-Phillips Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

    Nexus of course cos of price. Even though, android is behind compared to iOS down to accessibility due to my deafness. Where is option of vibration for alert notification? "On or off" is not good enough. Do you want to switch sound on or off?!?! Of course not, you want to adjust the sound to be louder or quieter. Yeah I found apps that can do the vibrating job out there but wonky. Pixel is about premium so come on! Broad your ignorance mind! Virtual assistant is great idea to you all, but it is fuckin useless to me, I can't speak clearly.


  • Elizabeth Hardersen 2
    Elizabeth Hardersen Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

    I had a 6p, loved everything about it EXCEPT the massive size, and I won't touch an LG phone. (boot loop nightmare) . I down-sized to a Samsung GS7, which is the size I prefer. Then bought the smaller Pixel. Ordered on opening day and waited 2 months for a blue one. Love it. This is what I needed the 6p to be. It looks nothing like an iPhone, it looks like an HTC (duh) . The 2 biggest fails? Price and lack of front facing speakers. (okay, it's a bit of an ugly duckling) I would hope Google would pay attention to its customers demands and put those big empty bezels to good use. The GS7 updated to nougat 2 weeks back, so I gave the beauty a shot to steal me back - lasted less than a day and I'm back on the Pixel.

    Francesco V.

    • RMDC 6
      RMDC Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

      My V20 has never had a bootloop issue nor any other nightmare.

  • Elgonidas 2
    Elgonidas Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

    I was super happy with my Nexus 6 until at about 18 months old (late purchase), it started suffering extreme performance issues. I eventually replaced it with a 6p at the start of January. I'm quite happy with it, but I'd rather have a new 6 with updated hardware, maybe USB-C, which is one thing I really like on my 6p. The pixel line didn't impress me at all, though I haven't tried one. At the very least they're overpriced.

    Sam De Clercq

  • 31
    Deactivated Account Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

    Brian Rakowski, Google's VP product management..
    "since 2010, we've partnered closely with mobile handset partners around the world to bring you the best of Android.
    Through Nexus, the goal was to work with these various partners to push the boundaries of what's possible with a smartphone."
    "we've now decided to take the next step and provide our take on the best Google experience, by bringing hardware and software design together under one roof."

    I've no doubt that the current pixel is the best of Google and android..
    it just feels for the price a bit underwhelming..
    smartphones are a whole world of compromises, and personally I prefer Nexus.

    technically.. the best Nexus so far... that'll be Huawei N6p.

    my Moto Nexus 6, now over 2yrs old.. regularly updated OS and security, still running current version of android very very smoothly,
    almost perfect user experience..
    I'm really happy with my Nexus 6 but really sorry to see the end of Nexus.

    maybe Nokia with its promise of stock android will become the new nexus..

    Andrew Mikolajczykcybertec69Krystal

  • Dean Joel 2
    Dean Joel Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

    I have the 6p and in my opinion it's the best.
    Is it just me or is the Pixel looks the same as iPhone??
    I checked one out in local phone shop and seems to be OKish but the price is still over the top.


    • 24
      Deactivated Account Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

      "Is it just me or is the Pixel looks the same as iPhone?? "

      thats a trend that weve seen more and more in the past few years - just a little surprising to see google go down that route. Oh well -> Good Artists Copy; Great Artists Steal

    • cybertec69 14
      cybertec69 Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

      Who cares if it looks like an iPhone, it never fails that I always have to see this kind of comment on every Android forum. No one cares anymore.

      • James Wanless 1
        James Wanless Mar 10, 2017 Link to comment

        Seriously? How can you say with any confidence that "no one" cares? This might be the stupidest thing I've read in a while. Clearly, just from this article and many others, many people care.

      • cybertec69 14
        cybertec69 Mar 11, 2017 Link to comment

        No one cares

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