WhatsApp is by far one of the most popular messaging apps on the market and we've listed a few of the best extensions for it to make it even more awesome.
Flappy Bird has quickly become the game to talk about and play around the water cooler - here's some tips to up your score and a cheat to set your own!
Firefox is now bringing Flash Player back! Version 27 of the program can now be installed again as a plug-in on your mobile device running Android 4.4 KitKat. Here's how
Do not Disturb is app has a ton of customizable options you need to keep the ZZZ’s going all night long, one step ahead of Blocking mode for Samsung phones.
Sony has released a new app in the Google Play Store called Xperia Transfer Mobile to ease the transition and transfer of data from one Android or iPhone to an Xperia.
The world is full of fakes, including fake Galaxy S4 smartphones. If you think you might have a fake Android phone we'll show you how to know if your Galaxy S4 is fake.
This question may seem simple but when buying used phones for example, the answer isn’t necessarily obvious. Here is how to figure out if your Android has been rooted.
Our skater hero must scamper down the train tracks while dodging speeding trains, collecting coins and powerups. Here are some tips and tricks for Subway Surfer.
Google + pictures, if you aren’t careful about adjusting the settings properly, will be uploaded into your Gallery app, causing a jam up of every picture you ever posted.
Everyone has wanted to stealthily check an IM notification without updating their ''last seen'' timestamp at one point. Shinobi lets you check all IM apps on the sly.
The smart dialer included in KitKat on the Nexus 5 has been scraped out of the code and released for anyone to install on a phone running an official or custom KitKat ROM
Sometimes you just don't feel like writing out a quick message on WhatsApp. Other times, you just want to pretend your smartphone is a walkie-talkie. Here's how.
The Nexus 7 has been one of the most popular tablet devices of 2013. It's cheap and it is of a very high quality. Here we look at some of the coolest Nexus 7 accessories
The ins and outs of the Android operating system can leave many puzzled. Here's a nice feature: adding a bookmark of a web page to your Android home screen. Here is how!
WhatsApp is an incredibly popular messenger service that developers keep making great additions to: like WhatsApp File Sender, which allows you to send any file type.
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