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Generate amazing artworks with this free app (and no skills)

NextPit Wombo
© H_Ko /

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Are you out of ideas for your next art project? Or do you simply want to explore the capabilities of modern AI? Well with this free app you can become a surrealist painter in no time, but I warn you, it is highly addictive. Dream by Wombo is a free image manipulation app that uses the power of AI to create abstract art pieces based on the information provided by the user.


  • Dream by Wombo is completely free to use with no limits.
  • It is available on Android and iOS.
  • You can use it to stimulate your imagination or to create unique art.
  • There are no advertisements.

AI image generation has come a long way in the past few years. From the GauGan landscape generator from Nvidia to deep fake videos, AI is making the life of content creators easier than ever. Today, I want to present to you one such solution that is readily available to be used on your phone with no hidden charges, annoying queues, or advertisements. This is Dream by Wombo, powered by

With Dream by Wombo, you are able to create portraits, abstract art pieces or bring your doodles to life quickly. The app is available in both Android and iOS I was personally so excited with this feature that while looking into how to present this app to you, I may have wasted about thirty minutes generating different artworks. It is simply addicting because the only limit is your imagination.

Why give Dream by Wombo a try?

With Dream by Wombo you can either create artwork from scratch or apply it to a picture. / © NextPit

The biggest advantage of is the ease of use and the quickness of the setup. You don't even need an account to explore all of the features. Usually, artificial intelligence generators of this type have a lot of advertisements, long queues, or download limits that restrict your imagination unless you pay. Thankfully is free unless you want to buy a print of your creations. 

The process after you open the app is simple. You enter a text guide for your artwork like "red dragon" or "abandoned castle at night," select a visual style from the available 17 and hit "create." Then in a few moments, your masterpiece will be ready for download.

But if you want to take things a step further, you can also add your images that the AI will follow as a guide. You also can decide how much of the original image you want to be maintained with three presets. This allows you to make anything, from portraits of yourself to combinations of different characters to enhancements for your art. The results will look odd, but it is a nice pastime!

Where I found true value is when the creative powers of the work together with human imagination. By feeding the ai images from your gallery, you can create some truly majestic pieces. Personally, I tried giving it some a doodle of a castle that I made and a sketch of a dragon that took a bit longer. In both scenarios, the AI created acceptable results that helped me to visualize things better, make changes and then repeat. The final results are truly stunning!

I can definitely imagine this being used by dungeon masters to quickly create sceneries to describe to their players or to generate new ideas for locations, creatures, buildings, and NPC characters. The general rule of thumb is that the more information you provide the app with, the better the results will be.

Is Dream By Wombo safe to download?

Well, nothing good is completely free, but this does not seem to be the case here. The Canadian developer Wombo uses the gathered data only for the improvement of the service, or at least this is what they state in their privacy policy. Privacy here is extremely important because people may be uploading their faces on other Wombo apps.

Running the app through the exodus platform we find an unsettling amount of 27 permissions and four trackers. By taking a quick look through the listed permissions, we found nothing that seemed out of place, and most are in line with what the app offers. But you may want to take a look yourself if you are conscious of privacy. 

What did you think of this cool app? Do you have any cool generation text to share with us? Would you like to see more A.I content? Let me know in the comments! 

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Zois Bekios Zannikos

Zois Bekios Zannikos
Junior Editor

Gamer and Tech enthusiast with an affinity for all things scientific. When i am not writing here on NextPit you'll find me arguing with strangers on Facebook. Too young for a Millenial, too old for Gen Z.

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    Imso Oct 4, 2022 Link to comment

    Lowered my rating from 5 stars to 1. Bad App & Horrifying experience! My main grievance is the server it invites you to:"Womboverse".They treat their subscribers whether they are Premium or not like garbage &/or like 5yr olds by allowing a psychotic moderator bully named "Buns" to run the show! No fooling! Subscribers are actually afraid to be there at times while paying for their subscriptions! So enter at your own risk! The App's whether under Premium use or not is very laggy w/no fixes. (shows their greed) I uninstalled the App, canceled my renewal Subscription. Canceled Wombot Stable Diffusion Renewal (One can get access to Stable Diffusion right off THEIR own server through their own app!) Left their server I will NEVER enter that torture chamber Womboverse ever again!
