Think you've got mad game skills?: try your hand at Flappy Bird

Some of you may think that you're pretty darn good at Badland, Flappy Bird is a 8-bit retro-styled tap-fest that sees you navigating your bird's way through pipe obstacles. If, that is, you can make it past the first couple.

This game is insanely difficult to master, but if you think you've got what it takes I'd love to hear your best scores in the comments below. There's really nothing to it: all you have to do is tap to flap, and make your way through the pipes – the only thing is you can't just bounce off them like in Badlands, and the control is not as smooth as Jetpack Joyride. This thing is seriously tricky, although all you really have to do is time your taps to happen in between the pipes – basic physics I guess. But it's still pretty difficult to keep it up for long!

Flappy Bird also has a bunch of various hacks to bump up your lives to 9999, but I haven't tested any of those out [Update: I've now tested a cheat to set your own score and it works, see below]. There's no in-app purchases, no ads, no anything really, just infuriatingly simple gameplay and sound effects. There's medals to win at various intervals, but I'm so far away from the podium I can't even see the finish line. At best, you can share your embarrassingly low scores via Google Play Games.
If Flappy Bird is kicking your butt, check out our Flappy Bird tips and a cheat to set whatever score you like...
Have you played Flappy Bird yet? What's your best score? Any strategies to share?
Head over to our forum thread for Flappy Bird:
Wait there's a hack? Can someone explain how to do it please? ;)