Don't like to share? Bird will now sell you an e-scooter directly

Bird is launching a new electric scooter model that isn't just for sharing. The mobility startup also recognizes popular demand among users to have an e-scooter of their own, and you will be able to purchase one for yourself directly from the company.
Dubbed the Bird One (as in, one up from the previous Bird Zero), it will be available both for shared use and personal ownership. The Bird One offers better battery life with a range of up to 30 miles on a single charge. Its also supposed to last longer—over a year—thanks to a more durable steel-reinforced frame. It should be much higher quality than the M365 Xiaomi model scooters Bird offers for monthly rentals in San Francisco and Barcelona.
"Given the excitement and demand for our next generation e-scooter, we are also making a limited supply of Bird Ones available to own." Bird CEO Travis VanderZanden said in a statement, "Now, whether you want to share, rent, or own, Bird provides an option for everyone."

If you want to get your hands on one of these limited edition scooters, the Bird One will cost $1,299 and come in three colors: jet black, dove white, and electric rose. $100 of Bird credit is thrown in for the occasions where you don't want to use your personal scooter for some reason, and you get a one-year warranty too. Pre-orders are open and units are expected to ship this summer.
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The One will first arrive in Los Angeles and will reach other areas in the coming weeks. It's clearly a premium proposition in the e-scooter market, with Segway-Ninebot's scooters going for under half that price. VanderZanden believes that about 20% of the micromobility market are looking for personal ownership of an e-scooter. Are you among that 20%, and if so, are you convinced by what he calls "by far the sexiest scooter on the market"?
Source: TechCrunch, LA Times
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The price is, however, much higher than the XiaomiM365. It remains to be seen if customers want high quality, being willing to pay the higher price.
The electric scooter represents are a convenient, fast and practical means of transport for short distances and even medium distances, especially in cities. And this is a very beautiful thing.