An Ode To Android / "Oh Grow Up Apple"

I don't know about you guys, but the reaction from Apple fans and now Apple employees in regards to Android getting Instagram is just getting plain outright STUPID. I mean come's one thing if a few crazy fans wanna get upset...But for the VP of Apple to come out and publically say that because of Android he's stopped using the app? WTF? It's almost like he's trying to make Android users look poor or stupid, and I for one have seriously had enough of it. Due to the incredibly stupid antics that this apps release on Android have stirred up, it has inspired me to write a poem. That's right...a poem. This poem is not only an ode to Android, but a message for Apple users (AND employees) to simply GROW UP. It's Friday, I haven't ranted in a while, and now I have an excuse :-D
Oh Andy dear little green droid
It's amazing to see...the success you've enjoyed
You started so small... and grew up so damn fast
It's so awesome to you whooped Apple's ass
Both in sales and in style...yeah you show em who's king
And give us so much more...than that silly iThing
You've got apps of all help out everyday
All conviently your new Google Play
See what's cool about he doesn't talk crap
Like those guys who parade...with their Apple iMacs
Doesn't cry or get the fully grown man
Who got so freakin pissed...when you got Instagram
See it's people like him...who give you a bad name
As they just can't accept...that you've gotten such fame
So they whine and say "hey!...gather arms lets attack!“
"Instagram was for us!...only Apple has that!“
You're response is just "chill...guys it's only an app“
"Your life must be pathetic...can't you realize that?“
"Is it such a big deal...just to snap a few pics“
"Then upload it to Facebook? you guys are such **cks
So go home and bow you're iPhone statue
And just pray to the Gods...that it doesn't slap you
Cause the iPhone itself...we have no problem with
It's the people who use them...when they act like such pricks
Andy took out the iPhone...that's a fact you can read
And what's next is a warning...that I think you should heed
Yes he's proven the best of the best
So don't get mad and whine...cause the iPad is next...
Seriously Apple.....grow up. I can be just as immature as your Vice President (yes I linked twice to that article, as it's just so pathetic).
Picture credits:
I had no idea this would get such a great response! Thanks everyone! Really glad you all took the time to read my silly poem :-D
_i loved the part when u said andy i love how u whooped apples ass
True that! More hype for the next Android flagship!
Glad you liked it! :-D
After a 12 hour shift, I needed that Eric.
Gave me a real laugh. The whole farce is near tragic, it's a rich source of material for the next Galaxy ad.
Eric...this is legendry! :-). If it wasn't for the fact that my g/f would blow a gasket if I did I would plaster this over my FB and Twitter! Lol. Good work! But you might want to patient it before apple does and then tries to sue you for its use! ;-).
Looking forward to your next masterpiece!
(ironically sent from my 3rd gen iPad, which I want to point out I won and am using as a (poor excuse of a) comprimise until the asus infinity is released....)
LOL! They ll probably try to patent fruit next!
They are seriously crazy!
En do they also own the patent for the REAL "Apples " in our supermarkts?... Grow up folks !!
I really appreciate all the feedback guys! At first I really debated posting it, as I thought it was simply too silly. So glad you enjoyed it! :-D
nice poem eric
Eric, my deepest respect for that poem!
Maybe I try to convert it for our german speeking users :-P
Good one Eric.
Great poem! I totally agree. Here's something I posted on Instagram...
Fantastic, well done and thanks for pointing the futility of the iPeople...
O thanks for that ot was awsomely said sir
LOL, good stuff!
This was the best line:
"So don't get mad and whine...cause the iPad is next..."
Oh, yes, bring it on, Andy, bring it on...
awsome poem i completely agree with you about how apple is getting upset about instagram.
Thanks for the feedback guys! Really glad you enjoyed it!
yeah good One! loved it... rotfl :-):-):-)
Hahaha hilarious!! great poem!
Thank you for reading!