The AndroidPIT team have had the WeTab in the office for several days now, and I had the pleasure and frustration of using the WeTab for several days ...
ICQ for Android kept us waiting with bated breath, but then, at last, the interesting (yet super annoying?) sound became available for Android. The ...
It may seem that AndroidPIT has been focusing only on the Andorid tablets at this year's IFA, but let me inform you that this show was the year of the ...
Anton and myself got a chance to look at two Android devices from Telefunken, the Buddy and Dude. The 3D-Tablet is what you would expect in that it can ...
AndroidPIT had a chance to talk with the representatives from Camangi today about their new Android tablet, the Camangi FM600. The FM600 tablet will ...
Every since I had my first G1 Android phone, I always found the Android notepad apps to be reliable and extremely useful. Someone recently suggested I ...
According to TechnoBlog, Samsung's Galaxy S variant headed for Brazil has an interesting addition previously unseen in the Galaxy S line: a TV tuner ...
I got the Samsung Galaxy S on last Wednesday, and let me tell you, it is completely different than any phone I've used before. The phone is very thin, ...
Finally, a free tuner for your Android phone! As a musician you can't always have perfect pitch, so a little electronic helper can be essential.
Find ...
Harald “Bluetooth”, a Danish Viking king known for his communication skills, was the inspiration for a wireless technology bearing the same name. In ...
Today’s test review is yet another one from the ‘homescreen replacement’ category. Yes, there are already several of these apps out there, and more and ...
Hot on the heels of the announcement by Google of Android 2.2, AndroidCentral is reporting that most HTC Android phones launched in 2010 will get the ...
I was once again on the prowl for a fun app to try out for a test review, and was having no luck, until I came across Furdiburb-Lite.
I wanted to start ...
I covered a story about four weeks ago about a new phone from Motorola with a strange square form factor and an even stranger story as to how it got ...
What are the Japanese best known for? Let’s sum it up (and generalize just a tiny bit): sushi, crazy inventions, Anime, robots, and computer games. The ...
There are already a few good eBook Libraries for Android out there, but I have yet to come across one that really knocks my socks off—and to be honest, ...
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