I was using the Android app Copilot, but blimey was it ever getting on my nerves. I stuck it out as long as I could, but eventually lost patience with ...
Watching the Google Music announcement event last night, one question kept running through my head–will I have access to Google's new cloud-based music ...
Company customer service polls have a way of bringing out the anarchist in folks. A few months ago, every seemingly harmless Motorola customer service ...
Here at AndroidPIT, we're lucky to have some very well-connected users. One by the name of Stefan T. had the good fortune of getting his hands on a ...
Today marks the official debut for the new Samsung Galaxy Note in London. But more then anything else, the event marks the kick-off of the official ...
Today's app tip is rather appropriate given the latest move by Apple to patent the sliding gesture used to unlock basically every smartphone on the ...
Roboto, the default font on Android Ice Cream Sandwich, was built from the ground-up on the Googleplex. It's a futuristic, elegant and easily-legible ...
A new biography describes Jobs as determined to eliminate the Android threat.
To say that Steve Jobs wasn't pleased by the release Android would be the ...
According to a performance test by the tech site Anandtech, Samsung Galaxy S2 still has by far the fastest graphics chip on the block. In fact, the ...
Anyone who's been reading AndroidPIT over the last couple weeks knows that we can barely wait throw open the doors to Berlin's convention center and ...
Regardless of what people say, Android development is anything but easy. So if you're looking to make your next million by developing a kick-ass app, ...
(Merkel's Germany is much friendlier to data hogs).
With users downloading tons of movies off Netflix, gabbing with their friends for hours over Skype ...
The zombies are coming...to new Sony Ericsson phones.
PopCap has secured an exclusive deal with Sony Ericsson to bring their Plants vs. Zombies, Peggle ...
Barnes and Noble did a formidable job at making the Nook Color an unintentional hit amongst Android enthusiasts, primarily because the 7" tablet boots ...
Popcap's best game has finally arrived on Android, and it's available for exactly zero dollars at Amazon's app store.
Plants vs. Zombies is exactly ...
It’s half past seven in the evening, you’re standing in a completely overcrowded train wagon on your way home. You are literally rubbing shoulders with ...
There are a lot of apps out there that seem to start up automatically whenever they please. Some apps just seem to have a mind of their own and start ...
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