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Telefunken 3D-Tablet and Dude Hands-On

Telefunken 3D-Tablet and Dude Hands-On

Anton and myself got a chance to look at two Android devices from Telefunken, the Buddy and Dude. The 3D-Tablet is what you would expect in that it can display 3D images and video with 3D glasses. The Dude is a large Android handset with a 5" resistive touchscreen

A person holds 3D glasses above a tablet displaying a blue screen with silhouettes of people in a line.
Telefunken 3D Tablet


The 3D-Tablet has a 7" capacitative touchscreen with 480 x 800 resolution, 16GB or 32GB internal storage, with the option of expanded memory using a microSD card, as well a 5000mAh battery. The device should sell for a maximum of 500 Euros, and sales of the device should begin next year.

A smartphone with a touchscreen displaying a menu of apps, connected to a cable for charging or data transfer.

The Dude (no Big Lebowski reference intended) has a 5" resistive touchscreen with 800 x 480 resolution, GPS, a read-facing 3MP camera, G-sensor, and a miniHDMI port. Expect the Dude to cost about 299 Euros and a launch possibly starting next month.

Check out our video of Anton using the Dude, and a quick glance at the 3D-Tablet's external appearance:

Source: AndroidPIT

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    Erick E. Feb 24, 2016 Link to comment

    Where did the great Douglas Carter go?

    James E.