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Poll results: your favorite smartphone brand is...

AndroidPIT best smartphones 1309
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When you want to purchase a new smartphone, which brand do you turn to? Which manufacturer not only lives up to your expectations, but excites you each time it launches a new flagship? We wanted to know which smartphone brand is the favorite among our AndroidPIT readers, and you've answered. Here are the results. 

Readers were allowed to choose only one favorite, and there were about 1,500 votes in total when we tallied up the results. The most popular smartphone brand for AndroidPIT readers is...

The undisputed winner

As expected, Samsung is the favorite among AndroidPIT readers, with 26 percent of the vote. In spite of the Note 7 catastrophe, the loyal fans of the brand are apparently sticking around. Excitement about the Galaxy S8 is building up ahead of its expected late March release, and we've been keeping a close eye on leaks and rumors for the device. The other results of the poll were a bit more surprising though...

AndroidPIT galaxy s7 vs galaxy s7 edge 8
The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. / © NextPit

Other top favorites

I'm surprised to see that Google wasn't a close second to Samsung in the the poll. It seems that more people favor Lenovo/Motorola and OnePlus, albeit by a slim margin. Lenovo/Motorola had 13 percent and OnePlus had 11, while Google had just 10 percent.

The least favored

All of the brands with under 10 percent of the vote aren't necessarily losers, but they're not strongly favored either. A smaller number of AndroidPIT readers consider these brands and manufacturers to be their number one favorite. 

Sony, LG, Huawei/Honor and Xiaomi had eight, seven, six and five percent of the vote, respectively. I'm surprised that LG didn't fare better, but I expect the brand will get more attention as the LG G6, a legitimate rival to the Samsung Galaxy S8, is released. HTC and Apple got just four percent. This is an Android website, so Apple's low ranking is to be expected.

Then there's the cult favorites, Nokia and Blackberry, clinging to three and one percent, respectively. Only one percent of readers are excited by ZTE. 

AndroidPIT Throwback Thursday Blackberry Bold 9700 3277
#TBT to the Blackberry Bold. You can't beat a Blackberry keyboard. / © NextPit

And, finally, we get to the losers. Meizu, Oppo and LeEco have the distinct honor of getting zero percent of the vote, as they aren't well-known brands in the US.

Why do you think Samsung is the favorite? Were you surprised that LG got so few votes? Let us know in the comments.

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Brittany McGhee

Brittany McGhee

Brittany loves to keep up with the latest technology and innovation, so she is excited to have the opportunity to write about the wonderful world of Android. She thinks spreadsheets and numbers are fun, in addition to reading books and volunteering.

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  • Albin Foro 30
    Albin Foro Feb 20, 2017 Link to comment

    This is an enthusiast site, and (unlike me) most voters will be interested in the comparative merits of flagship or similar high-end phones - the poll is probably a fair reflection of THAT demographic. As a cheapskate, I own and am happy with a sale-priced Android L ZTE, and would be comparing Blu and similar low-to-mid-priced models for a next one.

    Dean L.Francesco V.

  • David Marfisi 2
    David Marfisi Feb 20, 2017 Link to comment

    I have to agree the S7 edge is the best in my mind having used one for over a year now, it's by far the best phone I've used.

  • 8
    DEATHPROOFBUM Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

    Sony were the first to waterproof their phones with the Xperia Z, a feature only now many manufacturers are now just implementing and using as a selling point. I think the Sony brand in phones would be a lot more popular in the US if it could work something out with carriers, as it had an head start over brand awareness over the majority of other brands even Samsung, they are excellently built as all their products.

    Dean L.

  • Suryawanshi Samadhan 2
    Suryawanshi Samadhan Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

    I recommend HTC is best in all things except battery life

  • bojan radovanovic 12
    bojan radovanovic Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

    In US, marking did good job, so when you think about getting phone it's either iPhone or galaxy.
    So, there are no "android"... It's a big thing for Sammy, but i am not sure that it will last much long time, since Google itself is in the game now, and must do something to distinguish those two.

    Dean L.

  • 26
    Andrew Burgin Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

    Samsung seems to be the No 1 best choice, but now as put themselves under loads of pressure after the Note 7 battery saga, so will now after proof to consumers it was just one mistake that happens to nearly every company, an the delay of the future Galaxy S8 models shows they really have got to make these two future phones very reliable, with the Mobile Conference on the way in Barcelona, LG as got to proof and show that they can compete more with Samsung with the G6, it might be the price difference between the S8 or G6 that might give LG a advantage this time, just can"t wait to see the new phones for 2017 at the Conference plus the future one for later in the year, is 2017 going to be the year when we finally get Flexible Screen phones released as that is what we keep getting rumours but it never seems to happen

    Dean L.

  • Dean L. 34
    Dean L. Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

    I am surprised that LG didn't fare better. But I was also surprised that HTC was as low as it was. Google may eventually gain some traction if they really bring it with the pixel 2. Patiently waiting for the LG G6 reveal.

    Rahul paulBrittany McGheeFrancesco V.

    • Francesco V. 20
      Francesco V. Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

      I guess that LG price policy is to blame here, has after the underpriced LG G2 that launched LG in the flagship arena, all the others were too expensive experiments for the common users.
      HTC deserves such a low ranking, IMHO, as they repeatedly demonstrated a detachment from their consumer base, with dated OS, poor battery life, bad camera, high price. Now they are trying not to disappear, but it seems to be late.

      Brittany McGheebojan radovanovic

      • Brittany McGhee 21
        Brittany McGhee Feb 20, 2017 Link to comment

        Francesco, HTC's strategy is definitely due for an update, and now they're planning to shift focus to high-end phones. We'll see how it goes...

    • Brittany McGhee 21
      Brittany McGhee Feb 20, 2017 Link to comment

      Dean, I also can't wait for the G6 reveal. At least there have been a lot of leaks of the device so far to make waiting easier.

      Rahul paul

  • Shankar Prasad Nandi 18
    Shankar Prasad Nandi Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

    There are three reasons why Samsung is the winner:
    1. Samsung has been in the business for a long time and many users have got used to the TouchWiz interface and the look and feel of Samsungs.
    2. Samsung aggressively promotes its flagship models for months before and after the release, and positions the flagships as alternatives to the iPhone.
    3. People like flaunting their Samsung phones. Showing off a LeEco or a ZTE doesn't hold water.
    However, it's true that no one company is going to rule for long. Huawei and Xiaomi are poised to overtake Samsung.

    Brittany McGheeDean L.

    • Brittany McGhee 21
      Brittany McGhee Feb 20, 2017 Link to comment

      Thanks for the comment, Shankar!

  • 12
    Deactivated Account Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

    No question Samsung is technology and Android I've said this since March 2011.

    • 14
      Nickname303 Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

      Yeah, and everybody has been calling you a dick since 2011, so what's your point?...

      Rahul paul

  • Touseef Ahmad 2
    Touseef Ahmad Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

    I think Huawei will be the no 1 vendor soon due to it price-specs balance awesome phones even at low prices and no answer to their high end ones

    Brittany McGhee

    • Brittany McGhee 21
      Brittany McGhee Feb 20, 2017 Link to comment

      Huawei is definitely poised to challenge other manufacturers in the future.

  • Francesco V. 20
    Francesco V. Feb 17, 2017 Link to comment

    I personally like Motorola approach, with an almost-stock OS experience, reliable phones, incredible battery life, and fair prices. On the other hand, I understand that Samsung has the great quality of pushing the competition ahead. But others like LG are real innovators too. Hard choice indeed.
    Well, this fragmentation is the beauty and damnation of the Android world.

    Rahul paulNickname303Dean L.Shankar Prasad Nandi

  • Michal Horna 14
    Michal Horna Feb 17, 2017 Link to comment

    Samsung is the best in design and display
    The new S7 EDGE is super

    Tham Suk ThongMoni Mihailov

    • 19
      Moni Mihailov Feb 18, 2017 Link to comment

      Anything after the S5 is worse than it in some ways (also better than it in others thought).Samsung obviously.

      Deactivated Account

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