Android KitKat troubleshooting is what we do. So we've listed solutions to the most common KitKat problems in our Android KitKat issues and how to fix them guide.
Is your Moto misbehaving? Does the G stand for Groan? Then we can help. We discover the most common Moto G problems and solutions for the 2014 and 2015 models.
The Umi Touch is almost a good device, were it not for the problem with the touchscreen. Otherwise the device would have been a bargain. Read our full Umi Touch review.
If you want complete control over your device, you can root it - but not every phone is rootable. Here's how to root the Galaxy S7/S7 Edge and which models support it.
Is your Galaxy running slowly, doing weird things or crashing the camera? We can help. Discover the most common Samsung Galaxy S7 problems and solutions.
There millions of apps in the Google Play Store but only a few actually matter to our day-to-day lives. If you only had 5 apps to download which would they be?
Here we name and shame the worst, ugliest, most despicable UIs ever to make it onto an app in the Google Play Store. Grab your designer pitchforks and light your torches.
Can "the Apple of China" beat the Apple of everywhere else? The Huawei P9 is Huawei's new flagship. Discover the winner as we pit the Huawei P9 vs iPhone 6S
If you want to really get a head in Boom Beach then you need some tips to get you started. Come have a look at our guide to make your adventure even better.
Xiaomi's MIUI interface isn't just a pretty skin: it has some really useful features too. Get the best from your Mi with our Xiaomi Mi 5 and Mi 5 Pro tips and tricks.
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