Watch the Xperia Z3+ overheat after Sony's anti-overheating update

Sony's problem child, the Xperia Z3+, has received what is probably the most important update it ever will. With the new firmware arriving only hours ago, the overheating camera app issue which we uncovered this week should be corrected. We installed the new firmware on our Z3+ and have the results for you right here.
Within a few days of our discovery that the camera app crashed due to an overheating Snapdragon 810 chipset, Sony was quick to send us a firmware patch. This is currently available only via PC Companion and not OTA. This brings the firmware to version 28.0.A.7.24. We installed the update immediately to see if the camera app continued crashing - the results in this video may surprise you:
According to Sony, the update provides stability improvements, optimizes the camera's functions and also improves automatic screen rotation. As you can see in the video, the stability and optimization of the camera is minimal at best. Unfortunately, this much-needed update provides only a few seconds reprieve for owners - the crash continues to occur, it just takes a little longer to happen. Here's that original video in case you missed it.
This needs further attention. AndroidPIT has contacted Sony Mobile to find out when this will be resolved. Sony said, after we recorded this video, that it is working on another firmware update. We will keep you up-to-date about this as new details emerge.
My Sony Z3+ had a lot of heating problems - it used to get heated up so much that after around 10-15 minutes usage of video playing or video recording, it just used to throw up messages that the temperature is too high and there would be no other option other than stop recording or playing the video!!
Yesterday, I saw a simple hack in the internet (don't remember where) and it worked!! My phone is real cool now (literally)!
The simple hack is to place an aluminium foil (that which is used for wrapping food items), cut to fit the size of the phone, between the phone back side and the outer cover (assuming you have one) leaving just a small opening for the camera aperture. That's it! All heating problems solved! It's amazing. Thanks to the suggestion that I got in the internet - will try to trace that and thank him!
I have heard that after updating to Marshmallow the overheating problem to Z3+ gets reduced?
So... Is it fixed or what?
I need to grab a new phone and I can't afford the Z5 so this is my best option. I love the fact that it is water proof.
The only way Sony could have in fixing an overheating problem with a mere software patch would be to throttle the processor. This *may* cause more angry people than happy people, depending on how well things still run with a throttled CPU/GPU.
The Z5 is the first phone EVER, that actually uses heat pipes to distribute and dissipate the heat.
Sony can't put those into the Z3 / Z3+ after the fact.
To be honest, after some contemplation, I eventually decided to skip the Z5 also, because Its still running on the old SD810 SoC.
I want the SD820 SoC, which Qualcomm finally completed for 2016. There are rumors that the Z5 Ultra with an SD820 may be released in March to coincide with Samsung's S-launch. They might even do a minor update for the Z5 with SD820 SoC, to prevent Samsung and whoever else from having a half year's time offering higher end gear than Sony, has.
Especially, since Samsung is bringing back the Micro SD card slot, reducing Sony's feature advantage. I think Sony and others got a nice rise in sales from Samsung dumping the Micro SD card slot last year... Way to shoot themselves in the foot, dropping two of the main reasons people kept buying Samsung phones: Micro SD and swappable batteries...
All because fashion crazed phone pundits were whining and yammering for metal framed phones, even though Poly-carbonate does a much better job at keeping your display in one piece during a drop, than metal does.
i opened a sony z3 and it has heat pipes so idk?
Hey Shu, since you guys are in contact with Sony, could you pass along the following suggestion, if you see fit:
An optional aluminum back panel with fluted surface would take care of the issue. I'd buy a Z3+ with aluminum back panel immediately. It maybe slightly less stylish, but I'd rather have a phone I can actually use.
god this is just confusing! Idk should I buy the xperia z3 plus anymore after I wanted it so bad! should I start looking for another phone? should I wait for the Z5 ?
Wait for whatever Z model is the first to have the SD820 SoC built in.
Those will be more battery efficient and much more temperature efficient!
Got Z3+ on Friday. What a brilliant phone!! ...Until wednesday. It's just come of charging and taken a call. Half way through it died and will not revive !! It's deader than a dead thing that's been deaded!!!
Sorry to hear that!
High temperatures are poison for electronics...
Someone needs to provide an aluminum replacement with a fluted surface for the Z3's plastic back panel.
Wonder if this overheating issue has something to do with the Z4 tablet taking such a long time to be released. That as a 810 too...
The tablet would have a lot more surface to dissipate heat, so it might escape the problem simply due to size.
is that a lemon set? i tried the demo unit in sg and 5 minutes running 4k vid with no warning
Sony should just sell their devices at a cheaper price to compensate for these issues. so i can buy one :D
took delivery of my hotly anticipated Z3+ yesterday, tried the camera, promptly returned it - exchanged for an LG G4. I have been a proud and happy owner of all the xperia series but this just takes the mick! Sony should NOT have released this onto the market - THEY KNEW about the problem and still decided to sell it - NEVER will buy Sony ever again, you've lost one loyal customer here. All the software update will do is throttle the 810, it won't be a fix as in the true sense. Xperia range is now finished!
Don't know what you boys are doing, but my Z3+ arrived today... Just thought I would try it out on 4k video... Still recording as I type... up to 5 and a half minutes at the minute & is only slightly warm to the touch on the back. Edit - just quit out at 6 mins 57 seconds due to temp apparently... the back is warm, but not uncomfortable.
Eventually, the repeated heating will destroy the waterproof glue holding the back panel of your phone and it will come off.
Then you'll find that your local Sony service center isn't authorized to work on the waterproof phones and it needs to be sent in.
my Sony z1 have same problem...
And people are still saying the SD 810 doesn't have overheating problem.