
I travel regularly and am always on the lookout for a few fun games that help can keep me entertained while I’m on the road. The first game I across is iMobsters which will be the subject of today’s test review.
Reviewed version |
1.1.2 |
Features & Use
iMobsters is one of nine games that have been developed by Storm8 for an English speaking audience. In this online game you are the New York boss of the mafia and have to work your way up in the mob. You are required to allow your mob to increase in size, and as part of a massive multiplayer online game it’s your job to build a community.
It’s important that your mob has a lot of members because you will need them to fulfill so-called Missions; successfully completing missions is what allows you to access new levels.
Every now and then you have to make sure that your character is strong enough when it comes to defense and offense, as you will have to fight against other groups. Your character becomes stronger as you gather money, objects, and experience. You won’t receive money after each fight—sometimes you’ll walk away empty-handed. You’ll gain experience with time and learn against which groups you had better not fight.
In order to get rich fast you also have the option of buying certain buildings. Basically, the rule is that if you invest a lot of money in a given building you will be getting a good cash flow back every 60 minutes. The casino is a good example: it costs 40 million dollars to buy, but you will receive 250 000 dollars every 60 minutes.
You have to use your income to finance your equipment, because, as already mentioned, you have to make sure your defense and attack skills are up to par. In order to complete the missions you will need specific equipment; if you don’t have it you can purchase it, otherwise you won’t be able to complete the mission.
Having the right equipment is also an advantage when you’re engaged in fights: random objects may help you win a fight. If you’re opponent is better equipped you run a risk of losing. Although a fair amount of luck is involved, one can assume that the player with the best equipment will win.
You are given a Mob Code which you can communicate to your friends so that they can add you to their friends and you can fight against other groups of people. You can see what your friends are up to and how they’re progressing on the Mob Page.
I recommend that you put 90% of the money you make into the bank as it can easily happen that you are attacked and lose your money to your opponent.
There’s also an option of obtaining so-called Favor Points. You receive these by installing other Storm8 games and they can be used to add objects to your equipment that you can only obtain using these points. After you’ve installed the games you have to start them up briefly in order to have the points assigned to you. You can then de-install the other games if you want to, all the while keeping the pints you scored for iMobsers. Hold on to the Favor Points as the only other way to obtain them now is by paying.
I enjoy playing this game and generally have a go at it several times a day as I want to complete my missions quickly in order to get some cash secured in my bank account. Looking at the app’s Facebook page I notice that the last entry dates back to July which I think is a real shame. It’s also a pity that the game isn’t available in more languages as this would surely increase the amount of players. Get in touch with us in case you’re interested in creating/joining an AndroidPIT Mob.
Screen & Controls
The game is only available in English, so beware if you have problems understanding.
All the different iMobster actions can be found easily and allow for a good overview. Some of the menu options are self explanatory, but there were other options that I found a bit confusing.
Speed & Stability
I’ve been playing iMobsters since eight days and have had a total of seven connection problems even though I played in an environment with WLAN connection. This leads me to assume that the connection problems I experienced are due to Strom8 and their server.
There are millions of people playing this game using either Androids or iPhones, so it’s understandable that problems can arise. However, I was irritated when the connection was interrupted for up to five minutes at a time.
Price/Performance Ratio
iMobsters can be downloaded free of charge from the internet.
Connection to the internet is required in order to play this game.
The good thing is that now you can play games anywhere. All you need is a phone and internet.
I downloaded this game but couldn't create an account to start playing. Is it true that you can create an account for the game only on iphone?
Hi Slawek,
I'm not sure why you aren't able to create an account from your Android. This review was written after having tested the app on an Android, so it definitely works.
Good luck!
I downloaded this game but couldn't create an account to start playing. Is it true that you can create an account for the game only on iphone?