Our top 5 Android and iOS apps of the week

This Saturday, we have picked out five apps that every Android or iOS user should try out! Unlike our list of free apps, we have tried the apps out for ourselves and will inform you if there are any in-app purchases or other additional costs. So sit back and download the app that you find exciting directly!
Every week we try to bring you the best possible apps that are not data traps or microtransaction nests. In addition to the editor's recommendations, we also add the apps discovered by the NextPit community and shared on our forum.
From mobile games to productivity apps, here are the five free and paid Android/iOS apps from NextPit this week. We publish this selection every week, you can also check the Top 5 apps of last week.
with Amazon Prime Trial
Food Lookup (Android)
Ever wondered how many calories your favorite has? What about the amount of protein the various pizzas in the store contains? These exact questions gave rise to Food Lookup. The app provides nutritional information about any food or product, and it does not matter whether it is the most important stuff such as fat and carbohydrates, all the way to vitamins and minerals.
Performing a food item search is a pretty simple, straightforward and quick process. After all, the included database will include millions of products from all over the world. In fact, you can even scan the barcode of a particular product in order to obtain the relevant information that you desire.
There is also the option to scroll through your search history even when you are offline. Just for the sake of being useful, you can also perform comparisons with different products. In other words, the next time you want to make a meal, it is time to bust out this app so that you know every single calorie that enters your body!
- Price: Free / Advertising: None / In-app purchases: None / Account: Not required

- Download Food Lookup from the Google Play Store.
re:ignite (Android)
Having a call card is always something that you thought existed only in the business world, but gamers too, have our sense of pride and tribalism. re:ignite would like to provide such a platform where you can create, download and share stylish digital and customizable gamer cards. There are different categories to the cards, so it's not all about your in-game stats but more about you and forging your own gamer identity.
These cards will cater for your favorite online games so that you can share your stats and accomplished feats, including #humblebrag moments like an insanely high winrate, playtime, KDA and all stats that are important for the respective game. Get started with Fortnite and DOTA 2 cards right from the start. The developer intends to add additional game cards in the future, including popular titles like League of Legends, Valorant, and Genshin Impact, among others.
Of course, you can always use these cards for your social networks as well. Show the world just how much time you have invested in your Steam account and watch the n00bs wither in envy.
- Price: Free / Advertising: Yes / In-app purchases: None / Account: Not required (but recommended)

- Download re:ignite from the Google Play Store.
Drinkable (Android)
Life can get pretty rough at times, which is why you should learn to knock back a few rounds with your mates. While the pub environment can be pretty chill, there are times when you would just like to cozy up at home and indulge in the poison of your choice. The Drinkable app comes in handy here, where you can discover cocktails that you are able to make from the comfort of your home based on the ingredients that you have.
Of course, there are also tons of cocktail recipes to choose from in your exploration of new cocktails to discover. This app will always inform you of what are the missing ingredients so that you know what to buy on your next grocery run. It is wonderful that the app developer has catered to people on both sides of the Atlantic, offering measurements in both Imperial and Metric standards. You can even reach out to the developer if you would like to see a specific cocktail added!
Remember, no matter how tough life can get or how much you would like to party, you should always drink responsibly under all circumstances. In the meantime, have a blast with this app! I know I certainly did.
- Price: Free / Advertising : None / In-app purchases: None / Account: Not required

- Download Drinkable from the Google Play Store.
Confusing DaKookdle (Android)
Now here is a word game that certainly takes the mickey out of the phenomenon known as Wordle. Originally making waves not too long ago, the original Wordle required you to solve a five-letter word through a series of progressive guesses, of which you get six chances in total. Fail to do that and your streak is over, requiring you to begin all over again.
Word fiends could not get enough of that game as they had to make sure that their streak was maintained. Confusing DaKookdle might not be that refined or polished, but it offers a very evil twist to Wordle - by requiring you to play two words on a single board at one time. Things such get confusing after a while, as you brain works overtime to guess the right answer! This time, however, you have 10 guesses and it gets absolutely confusing!
Just in case the game becomes too frustrating for you, why not take some time off and blow some steam by mixing a few drinks for yourself with the Drinkable app that was suggested earlier ;)
- Price: Free / Advertising : None / In-app purchases: None / Account: Not required

- Download Confusing DaKookdle from the Google Play Store.
Railbound (iOS & Android)
The world has its fair share of sorrows and pain, so why not make sure that you get some time off with the adorable game that is Railbound? This puzzle game is based on a comfy, track-bending environment where a pair of dogs embark on a train journey to go around the world. There are more than 150 puzzles to play through, where you are tasked with placing, removing, and rerouting connections to ensure that the train is able to make its way to the destination.
Therein lies the challenge - simple in nature and concept, but you will need to make sure that the rails do not cross one another! The visuals of this game is simply stunning, sporting a beautiful comic book art style that is sure to help you remain calm each time you pick it up to play.
The premise might sound nuts, but isn't that the point of it all? A fantasy setting that helps you escape from everyday life. You can also take advantage of in-game mechanics such as tunnels to cover vast distances in an instant, or to delay trains using well-timed railway barriers.
- Price: $4.99 (iOS and Android) / Advertising: None / In-app purchases: None / Account: Not required
- Download Railbound from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
There you have it - our top 5 apps of the week. It is a rather interesting mix, don't you think so? If you have something to criticize or want to share your own suggestions, leave a comment section right below this article!