Update: Activate the app drawer and one-handed mode
The Huawei Mate 9 is a great phone and even better when you know some cool tips and tricks to do with it. Check what you can do with your Huawei phone to have more fun.
Android is a versatile system that can allow you to do a whole lot of things, and controlling your TV is just one of those. There are even some apps that don't need IR.
Thanks to it's semi-premium features, the Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) is a popular smartphone option. Here's another way to get the most out of this great mid-range device.
If you want to try Google Assistant, but you don't have a Pixel phone, it's OK: the OTA update is on its way to all smartphones with Android Marshmallow and up.
The Huawei P9 has been experiencing some isolated issues with the touch screen, alternative launchers and notifications. Here are a few solutions for these problems.
Ever wondered how to take a 360 photo or panorama with your smartphone? And how do you upload 360 Photos to Facebook? We will guide you through the process
Android Nougat has a useful feature to split a screen between multiple apps. Here's our guide on how enable and use split screen mode on any phone with Android 7.0 Nougat
Looking for the next Android update for your Samsung Galaxy S5? With the help of LineageOS, we'll show you how to make sure your Galaxy S5 gets the latest Nougat update.
Have you switched from Android to an iPhone? Prefer listening to your music on iTunes rather than Google Music?We'll show you how to move your Google Play music to iTunes
Samsung has released a new edition of its Galaxy A3 and A5 for 2017. They're both great phones and, as you might expect, they have their share of tips and tricks.
Google Assistant, Night Mode, Live Earth Wallpaper and the new navigation buttons are exclusive to Google Pixel. Here's how you can install these on your own smartphone.
The LG G5 is a great phone, but it seems to suffer from some annoying hardware and software issues. Here are the most common LG G5 problems and solutions.
Some Samsung users are being bounced with a new bug saying 'unfortunately the process com.android.systemui has stopped.' Good news is that there is a solution.
You have all the space in the world on your SD card, and yet your Android refuses to download applications because your smartphone's memory is full. The solution is here.
Ever wondered what all those different audio file types are for? Or wanted recommendations for audio tools? We've put together a cheat sheet of some useful audio info.
The LG G5 is a superb smartphone with some really clever features. Find out how to make the most of them with our LG G5 tips and tricks.
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