With a bunch of new Android users converting over daily, it is important to know the ins and outs of your device. Here's our Q&A for rooting your Android device.
If you have a 16GB galaxys3 or galaxy note 2, you know how expensive the 32GB version costs. Here is an EASY way to get 64GB memory for your 16GB device.
Beats Audio has been a boon to HTC and sales of their new Android phones but now XDA users have developed a method to bring Beats Audio to all rooted Android devices
Roboto, the default font on Android Ice Cream Sandwich, was built from the ground-up on the Googleplex. It's a futuristic, elegant and easily-legible ...
The guys over at XDA-Developers have been very busy recently with the announcement of the rooting of the Motorola Droid 2 on August 25th, and the ...
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