- Forum posts: 1
Oct 25, 2022, 5:24:08 PM via Website
Oct 25, 2022 5:24:08 PM via Website
As someone just starting out as a photographer there are some things you need to know and equipment you will need to have to start your journey as a photographer.
If you have a DSLR camera, which is a digital camera with interchangeable lenses. However if your smart phone has a very good camera, you can also use that. Samsung has the best cameras, but the iPhone is more dependable at saving your photos.
You will need a tripod, even if have all of your photos are set on automatic there will be shake from your hands that can lead your photos to be out of focus. Out of focus photos will not be accepted by any photo selling app, no matter how cute your pictures are. These photos will need to have the ability to be blown up much larger than they had in the past to be used.
DSLR Camera or Your Phone
A tripod
Light reflectors
A photo editing program would come in handy.
Lights can help.
This is a picture of dog after she got dirt in her eyes. She's fine by the way.
This is a picture of dog after she got dirt in her eyes. She's fine by the way.
This Photo
Both Stutterstock and Adobe stock only take pictures that are JPG. If your photos are too large, say you accidentally set it to raw or your JPG images are too small they will be automatically rejected.
Which leads me to this photo of my dog, it was rejected by shutter stock because they accepted a similar photo that they liked better. Adobe stock claims that it's too small to be uploaded to their site. Adobe is incorrect, it's the same size of every other photo they have accepted. It's also in focus, because if it weren't shutter stock would have told me so.
Butterfly On a Leaf
This in focus photo was rejected by both, I have a similar photo for sale.
This in focus photo was rejected by both, I have a similar photo for sale.
Adobe Stock Pays more
Adobe Stock only accepts technically perfect photos, so does Shutterstock. However Adobe is mostly used by ad agencies, newspapers and other professionals who pay more for their services and thus you make more from the photos you sell. Shutterstock is cheaper and geared more to regular people who are looking for good photos for their blogs and online articles. They cost less, so you make less.