- Forum posts: 1
Oct 11, 2021, 12:03:31 PM via Website
Oct 11, 2021 12:03:31 PM via Website
I seem to be having issues restoring my old messages to my new google pixel phone. Correct file has been put into Whatsapp database folder but upon loading whatsapp after installing it the option that pops up seems to be defaulting to the Google Drive Backup option rather than the Local Backup option. There does not seem to be an option for you to disable the pop or select the local backup?
I have on a couple of occasions tried to click the 'Give Permission' button and quickly click the restore button but this has failed - Having read online why a restore might not work i saw that that this could be due to the size of the file. I really do need to transfer theses messages to the new phone as work related so would appreciated any suggestions or ideas that people have? I have come across a couple of programs you can download which you pay for.