Honor 8 — battery drainage

  • Replies:2
  • Forum posts: 4

Oct 7, 2019, 2:38:26 PM via Website

my phone is huawei honor 7c and its battery gets drained too quickly anyone has any please share

marco sarli
  • Admin
  • Forum posts: 1,011

Oct 8, 2019, 3:03:49 AM via Website

Check what is running in the background and stop or uninstall whatever you are not using or do not want. Check google services. Uninstall every app you have not installed or you are not using. Get rid or block all the bloatware.

James Watson
  • Forum posts: 1,589

Oct 9, 2019, 2:45:08 AM via Website

You may do a 'factory reset + clear cache partition' after a full data backup. Then just install only apps you actually need recently.

In addition, as @marco sarli said, avoid or stop any bloatware.

Download size < 0.15 MB. But also accurate enough, ad-free & free.
The minimalist app available on Play Store: https://goo.gl/ws42fN
Blog: https://okblackcafe.blogspot.com Your 5-star is appreciated.
