next evo "shift"!?

  • Replies:2
  • Forum posts: 5

Dec 23, 2010, 6:47:30 AM via App

just got a new app...HTC evo updater. shocked to have just read several blogs about the suposed next evo 4g the shift ( or knight / speedy) slide out keyboard!? smaller screen!? non evo distinctive look!? Wtf!? HTC please don't become a Droid I just left version!! anyone else have other opinions/ info on this so called new device rumord to be here next month?

Douglas Carter
  • Forum posts: 1,891

Dec 23, 2010, 10:51:31 AM via Website

You're disappointed that HTC is making a slider with a smaller screen? The pictures I've seen make the front of the device look very EVO-like in my opinion. What exactly about the EVO makes it so desireable? The 4.3" screen? The outer casing design?

There is supposed to be a Verizon Droid Incredible HD coming out that will have LTE ability and a 4.3" screen as well as a really fast processor.

What phone do you have now, the HTC EVO? If so, the phone is only about a half a year old. Are you already in the market for a new phone?

I highly doubt that HTC has abandoned making candybar smartphones, so don't get upset that you'll never have a new device like the original EVO again. I think that what HTC/Sprint is doing is similar to Verizon. They create a name brand: EVO (similar to the Droid brand name). Within this brand, they have an original device, and then they expand the line-up to include more offerings.

As an example, look at the Droid. That was followed by the Droid Incredible, Droid X, Droid 2, Droid 2 Global, and Droid Pro. I believe Sprint/HTC will be taking a similar path, so you can probably expect more EVO branded devices coming in 2011.

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  • Forum posts: 5

Dec 23, 2010, 4:25:37 PM via App

LOL yes I have the evo now and am usually quite a phone whore but love this phone and was just expecting something more like the Droid 2 ya know. you do have a good point though about how Sprint seems like they will follow version in creating an evo line of phones! I hope so. I guess time will tell. thanks for your opinion! BTW, they should invest in a non brick size like battery that lasts!
