Sony has released the Sony Xperia Z5 Premium, the world's first 4K phone. Check out this review whether the device is really worthy of the name Premium.
Is your Samsung Galaxy Note misbehaving or going through battery power like crazy? We discover the most common Samsung Galaxy Note 5 problems and how to fix them.
The Xperia Z5 has lots of useful functions and features that can make it just-so and solve common problems. These are our favorite Sony Xperia Z5 Premium tips and tricks.
We aren't saying KitKat wasn't a good operating system, but if your phone won't be upgraded beyond Android 4.4, is it time to let it go? Let us know in our poll.
There has been an observable trend in the Android world over the past few years: cheap phones are getting better, and expensive phones aren't. Here, we discuss why.
If you've had to ask yourself "why haven't I received Marshmallow yet?" We're here to give you the answers you need. Learn all about the Android update process here.
The Facebook for Android app comes with some compromises. Should you uninstall it, then? Let's see these 3 reasons why you should uninstall Facebook now.
If you want to make your smartphone screen easier to read, increasing the font size can help. Our walk-through explains two ways to make your smartphone text bigger.
Is your Nexus 6P misbehaving? If all else fails, going nuclear on your Nexus can solve many oddities and problems. Here's how to factory reset the Nexus 6P.
In a world of WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Skype, the question is beginning to arise as to whether we need phone numbers any more.
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