Call recorder "recording" is silent

  • Replies:4
Patrick Hahn
  • Forum posts: 2

May 31, 2017, 11:41:15 PM via Website

I installed call recorder on my phone and it has been working perfectly. But today I made an important call and the "recording" is there in the inbox but when I press "Play" there is no sound. I made a few other calls, just to test, and they were all recorded just fine. Is there anything I can do to retrieve this recording or is it gone for good?

James Watson
  • Forum posts: 1,589

Jun 1, 2017, 2:58:54 AM via Website

Copy your recording result file to another phone or PC, and try to play it to verify whether it's fine. Good luck to you.

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Patrick Hahn
  • Forum posts: 2

Jun 1, 2017, 3:01:02 AM via Website

I tried that. It was silent. What is frustrating is I have no idea what caused this, or how to avoid it in the future. I've made several calls since then, and on all of them the recorder worked fine. Any ideas?

James Watson
  • Forum posts: 1,589

Jun 1, 2017, 8:15:08 AM via Website

Is it possible that there is some bug in the 3rd-party call recorder app? I think you should report this failure to its developer. By the way, isn't there any stock call recorder app for your phone?

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Steven Rhods
  • Forum posts: 11

Jun 2, 2017, 12:20:53 PM via Website

Seems like some bug in the app. I don't think you can now retrieve/play that old recording. I think you should contact the developer.

James Watson
