- Forum posts: 2
Aug 31, 2015, 3:51:17 AM via Website
Aug 31, 2015 3:51:17 AM via Website
I've got a kindle fire hd 7, and it has been rooted. For whatever reason, when I booted it up one day, it was stuck on the red triangle screen. No matter what I did, it would end up on that screen. Now when I turn it on, the screen is completely red. I did get a Fastboot cable, and whenI connect it to my laptop, the Kindle is stuck on the Fastboot screen. My Device Manager does recognize the Kindle and I believe the drivers are current. I've tried down loading the first aid kit and some others. Basically it tells me
error: cannot load 'images/recovery;img'
error: cannot load 'imgages/boot.img'
Can anyone help me or am I just sh*t out of luck