Gamer Box *ROOT* - The App to Play the Games with Custom Configurations

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SatySatsZ B
  • Forum posts: 1

Jul 1, 2015, 8:56:16 PM via Website

Are you tired of using Separate apps to tweak CPU,GPU and Memory for Gaming..?

Tired of Having Boot-loops and Black-Screen issue,losing the Navigation Controls to navigate between apps when changing Resolution..?

Then,this Gamer Box App will give you all the necessary tweaks and Configurations to have better Game-play

Gamer Box Supports Both Smart-Phones and Tablets

Gamer Box provides Greater Compatibility with Android Version 4.3 and above

Users with 4.1.x and 4.2.x Devices,Please report if you find any issues with it.So,then we can work with that

No need of Heavy customization and Tweaks..! All those things made easy in this App.Just Configure the Three Modes and Run the Game

Gamer Box has its own Engine named GamerBoxEngine which has Three modes/profile to choose:

-Performance Mode : This mode gives you more frame rates.All you need to do is Just set the Resolution lower than your default resolution and set the governor from the list

-Normal Mode : Set your resolution and Governor for normal Game-play

-Quality Mode : If you have High-End Device and if you feel your Gameplay graphics not looking good..? then Set the resolution Higher than your default and set Performance as the Governor for this Mode

Quality Mode will be more useful if you cast your device screen to TV or to the Monitor and it will renders Sharp Textures
Not-Only the Games you can Run any app in any of these three modes

-To Stop and Exit the GamerBoxEngine and the Current running Game/App just the click the Notification it will automatically turns off.This is because,once you changed the Resolution,Android will disable the navigation controls..So you will lose the Control to navigate between the apps...once you stopped the Engine then you will get all the controls back..Games Really Don't need the Navigation Controls to use..

Game Box Features:

Graphics Resolution Changeability - You can choose any of the Following Resolutions for your Game
Supported Resolutions
-1440p QHD(16:9)
-1080p FHD(16:9)
-720p HD(16:9)
-540p qHD(16:9)
-360p nHD(16:9)
-480p FWVGA(16:9)
-1280x800 - Tablet
-1920x1200 - Tablet
-1024x600 - Tablet

CPU Governors : You can choose any of the Following Governors for your Gameplay
For x86 Based Devices,Use Default option for all the three mode

Memory Management :

Enable Swap/Virtual Memory - GamerBoxEngine will automatically create the Swap according to the usage.
Swap will be created inside the /cache partition to improve the Speed ( For Low-End Device)

Enable Z-RAM Compression - Gives more performance by compressing the Blocks of RAM (Recommended for the Devices having Less than 1GB of RAM

Min Free Value Selection - Very Light,Light,Moderate,Aggressive,Very Aggressive

InBuilt App Drawer,Full Material Design using Card View and Recycler View

This App-Version is Ad-Supported and you need to Enable Internet connection before launching this App

If any issues,Reply to this thread

Free Version(Ad-Supported)

Pro Version

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