Problem with E-mail account on Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7

  • Replies:4
Jörgen Knuth-Nielsen
  • Forum posts: 6

Jan 10, 2015, 7:04:45 PM via Website

I have had som e problems that have led to that I uninstalled my POP3 account and installed installed it as a IMAP but that did not help so now I have unistalled the IMAP again and want to reinstall the POP3 account but when I have written the ID and password the "next" button (or the manual button) is not active.


Jörgen Knuth-Nielsen
  • Forum posts: 6

Jan 11, 2015, 11:11:17 AM via Website

Would it help to reset?
How do I do that?


  • Admin
  • Forum posts: 2,324

Jan 11, 2015, 11:21:14 AM via Website

Well, @Jörgen Knuth-Nielsen I would say you are going to need the POP3 accounts settings over here, also can you let us know which mail you are trying to configure over your device ?? I mean is it a gmail,yahoo account or some other... ???

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Jörgen Knuth-Nielsen
  • Forum posts: 6

Jan 11, 2015, 5:20:00 PM via Website

John F.

Well, @Jörgen Knuth-Nielsen I would say you are going to need the POP3 accounts settings over here, also can you let us know which mail you are trying to configure over your device ?? I mean is it a gmail,yahoo account or some other... ???

It is Telia and I have had it installed before! Both as POP3 and IMAP.


Jörgen Knuth-Nielsen
  • Forum posts: 6

Jan 11, 2015, 5:47:11 PM via Website

I had help from Telias forum!
I have to first put the E-mail address in the top box and then whe I click next it will tell me the info is not right, EDIT! But then I should not edit but click manual and then change the address to the user-ID.
Now it is working!

