Flappy Bird high score cheat - set your own high score!

  • Replies:7
Kris Carlon
  • Forum posts: 1,110

Feb 6, 2014, 3:56:30 PM via Website

There's a very simple cheat to set whatever high score you want in Flappy Bird. Here's the steps. All you need is a fresh install of Flappy Bird with a high score above 1 in it and root access on your device. Oh, and ES File Manager is required too.

  • Just install the fresh version of Flappy Bird (don't worry about losing your high score because you're about to set your own!).
  • Play it once just to get a high score above 1 in the score sheet.
  • Go to ES FIle Manager and make sure you have Root Explorer turned on in the navigation panel, accessed via the world/phone icon in the top left (or swiping left to right from that area).

  • In the Local pane, you want to go to the Device root directory and then Data and then Data again.
  • Now just look for the com.dotgears.flappybird folder (you can search for flappybird if necessary) and open it.

  • You'll see a couple of folders, open the Shared_prefs folder.
  • Open FlappyBird.xml and choose ES Note Editor when the popup window appears.
  • Open the action overflow menu (top right, three dots) and hit Edit.

  • Change the score to whatever you want it to be. I went for something at least mildly believable: 237. If you enter 999 I think your friends will know something is up.
  • Save your changes and play again. You'll now see your new high score on the scoreboard.

Don't blame me for any feelings of guilt associated with falsely making your friends bow down at your Flappy Bird feet based on this cheat.

— modified on Feb 6, 2014, 4:15:57 PM

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Amanda Dotson
  • Forum posts: 1

Feb 11, 2014, 1:15:37 AM via App

so cool

Yannick T
  • Forum posts: 10

Feb 19, 2014, 3:23:05 PM via Website

Great! Thanks. Is there a similar cheat for the game under iOS?

Kris Carlon
  • Forum posts: 1,110

Feb 20, 2014, 7:18:25 PM via Website

Hey @Yannick, I'm not very familiar with jailbroken iPhones, but if there's an Apple equivalent to getting root access and using root explorer apps (I'm gonna hesitate a guess and say no) then it'd be possible.

Follow Kris on Google+ and Twitter / Forum Rules - Recommended for new AndroidPIT members! / Important to all community members: please read before posting

Adarsh Dileep
  • Forum posts: 1

Apr 15, 2014, 5:53:24 AM via Website

im unable to turn on the root explorer in the es file manager app..... they say that 'sorry,test failed,this feature cannot run on your device .... can you help me find a solution for this ...

Kris Carlon
  • Forum posts: 1,110

Apr 15, 2014, 10:37:35 AM via Website

Install an app from the Play Store called Root Checker, it'll let you know if your device has root or not. There could have been a problem with a firmware update at some point, because updates occasionally break root. If you've lost root you'll just have to go through the process again. Then ES should work.

Follow Kris on Google+ and Twitter / Forum Rules - Recommended for new AndroidPIT members! / Important to all community members: please read before posting

  • Forum posts: 19

Apr 23, 2014, 10:17:47 AM via Website

does this thingwork online.. or just on ur device

Kris Carlon
  • Forum posts: 1,110

Apr 30, 2014, 2:52:16 PM via Website

No, you don't need to be online to play Flappy Bird. In fact, if you're offline you won't get ads!

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