How to remove old devices from Google Play device list

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Kris Carlon
  • Forum posts: 1,110

Oct 30, 2013, 9:44:43 AM via Website

Over time Google Play will keep adding devices you use with your Google account to the Play Store device list. Many of these are not relevant (because you sold the device or just borrowed someone else's for a while). Here's how to tidy up your Google Play Store device list.

Old Android devices unfortunately cannot be completely removed from the Play Store archive but here's how to hide them and clean them up to make more sense.

Open the Play Store on your web browser, click the ''cog'' icon in the top right corner and then click on ''Settings''. This will bring up the list of ''My Devices''.

You'll see all your devices listed, mostly called ''Unnamed Device'' with the model numbers and other information.

Under the ''Visibility'' column, you'll see check boxes for ''Show in Menus'' - all will be ticked by default. To remove the device from your ''My Devices'' list, simply uncheck the box and you will no longer see it in any menus.

Clicking ''Edit'' allows you to set nicknames for your devices, so that random model number can now be ''Work Phone'' or something else easily recognizable to you.

Between these two steps - managing the visibility of your devices and setting meaningful names for them - you can get a much better idea of what you're dealing with in the Play Store and remove old devices from your list. It'll also make finding your device on the drop down list a lot quicker and easier.

Any changes you make will be spread across all Google services too, from app compatibility lists to Android Device Manager. See the image below

— modified on Oct 30, 2013, 9:48:46 AM

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  • Forum posts: 673

Jan 12, 2014, 10:44:42 AM via App

But the annoyance is that you can't delete them for real. Which I particularly don't like because I sometimes have multiple listings of one Device due to custom ROMs...

MFG/Regards My1

dejanIan Ashton

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Jan 14, 2014, 7:09:44 AM via Website

Thanks for sharing it @kris but I think i already know about it .... and i don't think that there is anyone who don't know about this minor thing ??? :D

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  • Forum posts: 673

Jan 14, 2014, 7:20:53 AM via Website

there could be a pretty lage number of ppl who dont know that, at least the number of ppl who dont know about the Playstore website...

MFG/Regards My1

Karen L.

Kris Carlon
  • Forum posts: 1,110

Jan 20, 2014, 5:47:08 PM via Website

What may seem obvious to some is enlightenment to many. The same reason many people never modify the default settings of an app - they simply never bother to click the Settings icon and look at the settings!

Follow Kris on Google+ and Twitter / Forum Rules - Recommended for new AndroidPIT members! / Important to all community members: please read before posting

Karen L.

Alec B.
  • Forum posts: 35

Jan 20, 2014, 6:48:12 PM via App

New knowledge is out there for matter what rules to learn ..its 'out there'..I'm a doctor, so not dumb but love to learn of hidden different things, of things..I say " bring it ALL onto me"

  • Forum posts: 673

Jan 20, 2014, 9:48:35 PM via Website

or ppl who had a device with screenbuttons before never find it, because of the menu button, which is a really good thing from Samsung, because it really saves space in the actionbar of some apps because a nother botton must go away for the 3dot button...

MFG/Regards My1

Chris M.
  • Forum posts: 23

Jan 31, 2014, 1:12:11 AM via Website

Now that that's settled, how the hell can I strip out the apps I don't want/like from 'My Apps'? Last time I enquired, the word was that it's impossible. Is it still so?

This might be a topic for an article, one to add to your 'rolling topics' loop, perhaps.

  • Forum posts: 673

Jan 31, 2014, 10:59:59 AM via Website

well, in Play Store App you get to your apps through the sidebar, then you get to the right tab and the you press the X icon on every app you dont want anymore. but be careful with bought apps, since I dont know what happens...

MFG/Regards My1

  • Forum posts: 18

Feb 1, 2014, 1:33:19 PM via Website

Ya some people doesn't know about how to remove the old apps from play store and many doesn't consider the settings. But while removing the apps be careful of others relevant app.

  • Admin
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Feb 4, 2014, 9:44:22 AM via Website

Ya some people doesn't know about how to remove the old apps from play store and many doesn't consider the settings. But while removing the apps be careful of others relevant app.

I am sorry but i guess this post is not about the how to remove the apps but its about how to remove devices from your account (i.e. if you are using multiple devices using one gmail account and after a while you think no i should remove this device). So my dear friend i guess now you might be getting what this post is about !! I wonder why you don't read what the post is about ...... :blink::blink:

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  • Forum posts: 1

Feb 20, 2014, 3:38:47 AM via Website

I didn't know, a lot of people don't.

Thanks for the info Kris!

  • Forum posts: 1

Mar 27, 2014, 5:05:08 PM via Website

Hide doesn't work on mine.
And it has some scammer listed now on my account.
some phone never heard of, service that isn't mine.
Need a DELETE button..

  • Forum posts: 673

Mar 27, 2014, 8:29:56 PM via Website

first change you password and close all other sessions...
that could at least bring the scammer away from you acc, so he cant access it...

MFG/Regards My1

Kris Carlon
  • Forum posts: 1,110

Apr 3, 2014, 6:38:39 PM via Website

Ah, this is Google we're talking about here. There's no such thing as ''delete'' in Googleland. Just ''archive for future reference''...

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Ali Raza
  • Forum posts: 2

Jul 27, 2014, 4:58:50 PM via Website

Thanks So much for this, but if have to add another device then what ?? means can i use 1 gmail account to add 2 devices ?

  • Forum posts: 673

Jul 27, 2014, 5:05:08 PM via Website

you can essentially use you account ith half a myriad of devices, especially when switching between custom ROMs this can occur without problems as they have a different well what should I call it "software serial number".
I have eleven (11) right now

MFG/Regards My1

Kris Carlon
  • Forum posts: 1,110

Jul 28, 2014, 6:28:55 PM via Website

Hi @Ali, you can add as many devices on the one Google account as you like. Because of my job and the frequency with which I add my account to enw devices I have dozens and dozens of devices listed in Google Play. I can only imagine what Google make of it. They either think I'm disgustingly wealthy or...a tech journalist. Ok, they can probably figure it out!

Follow Kris on Google+ and Twitter / Forum Rules - Recommended for new AndroidPIT members! / Important to all community members: please read before posting

  • Forum posts: 673

Jul 31, 2014, 4:53:32 AM via Website

when you have it listed in you g+ it certainly isnt hard to find out...

MFG/Regards My1

Brandon Stone
  • Forum posts: 1

Nov 30, 2014, 4:23:57 PM via Website

I feel everyone's pain here... Trust me. I have a solution. Mark this thread as solved and get excited! :D

Check out the solution here: --admin edit: Links not allowed--

I also quoted what I could in case you don't feel like visiting my blog. It's not the same though :'(

Okay so after hours and hours of frustrating research and time on the
phone with Google Apps for Business, I've found a solution to an issue
plaguing several people, including myself. When your phone or device
is stuck and associated with your Google Play account. It can get very
annoying and very messy, especially if you're a beta tester and you
just want to download an app. Before you know it, you have a hundred
devices on your Android Device Manager list.

My OCD, was KILLING me seeing phone Galaxy S5 on my business account,
instead of my personal account. Ugh. So right after getting off the
phone with Google, I kinda gave up. Read a bit more, and saw something
about the device being removed after 9 months of inactivity. So that's
some hope, I guess.

But wait! Right after I gave up, I was just browsing my account, and
light came down from the heavens...


So let's begin.

If you want to remove a device from your Android Device Manager list:

Navigate to the following link on the account you would like to remove
the specific device:

Find the device that you want to remove. In my case, my Galaxy S5.


Sorry I don't have a picture of the big red remove button, because I'm
not about to risk and put myself through that hell again, but believe
me. You should be seeing it right now.

Click that button.

Go to the Android Device Manager in Google Play.

Boom! It's gone!

Yes. Just yes. Much frustration later. That's why I'm sharing this
with the internetz so maybe you won't have to go through the same

Thanks guys!

— modified on Nov 30, 2014, 4:29:21 PM by moderator

R David Paine III

  • Forum posts: 1

Jun 5, 2015, 7:10:03 AM via Website

What if i found out that some devices were not mine? What does that mean? Some of the carriers were from Japan and Korea which is impossible because I never went there. @_@

  • Forum posts: 1

Oct 21, 2015, 6:16:58 PM via App

Brandon Stone

I feel everyone's pain here... Trust me. I have a solution. Mark this thread as solved and get excited! :D

Check out the solution here: --admin edit: Links not allowed--

I also quoted what I could in case you don't feel like visiting my blog. It's not the same though :'(

Okay so after hours and hours of frustrating research and time on the
phone with Google Apps for Business, I've found a solution to an issue
plaguing several people, including myself. When your phone or device
is stuck and associated with your Google Play account. It can get very
annoying and very messy, especially if you're a beta tester and you
just want to download an app. Before you know it, you have a hundred
devices on your Android Device Manager list.

My OCD, was KILLING me seeing phone Galaxy S5 on my business account,
instead of my personal account. Ugh. So right after getting off the
phone with Google, I kinda gave up. Read a bit more, and saw something
about the device being removed after 9 months of inactivity. So that's
some hope, I guess.

But wait! Right after I gave up, I was just browsing my account, and
light came down from the heavens...


So let's begin.

If you want to remove a device from your Android Device Manager list:

Navigate to the following link on the account you would like to remove
the specific device:

Find the device that you want to remove. In my case, my Galaxy S5.


Sorry I don't have a picture of the big red remove button, because I'm
not about to risk and put myself through that hell again, but believe
me. You should be seeing it right now.

Click that button.

Go to the Android Device Manager in Google Play.

Boom! It's gone!

Yes. Just yes. Much frustration later. That's why I'm sharing this
with the internetz so maybe you won't have to go through the same

Thanks guys!


Vaughn Paul

Christopher Winkler
  • Forum posts: 3

Oct 27, 2015, 8:02:20 PM via Website

So I can't remove a device even if it is a device I have never owned? There a T-mobile Samsung phone listed in my devices that I have no clue how it even got there. I have never owned one and have never used anything but Tracfone.

Christopher Winkler
  • Forum posts: 3

Oct 27, 2015, 8:05:49 PM via Website

I too would like to know how this happens. I have a T-mobile Samsung phone listed among my devices that I have never owned and I have never used anything but Tracfone.

Christopher Winkler
  • Forum posts: 3

Oct 27, 2015, 8:15:58 PM via Website

Thanks a lot! This removed the device. But I still don't know how it got on my account in the first place. Hacker?!

  • Forum posts: 1

Feb 21, 2016, 11:30:02 AM via Website

I'm trying to figure out how a T-Mobile Note 4 got on my list. Mine is on Verizon so seems odd this could happen. If anyone happens to know, please share what you know about this type of curious event, as this keeps bugging me.

Keep thinking someone in my neighborhood managed to register a device on my account, sounds a bit crazy doesn't it? Maybe not so much considering I've had one neighbor connect to Bluetooth on my computer with her iPad while still in discovery mode, and I have inadvertently connected to a neighboring Bluetooth speaker. Was tempted to serenade them with good music, then thought better of it. Considering where I live it's hard to imagine anyone being savvy enough to hack into anything, seriously. If one did it would likely be accidental.

huma iqbal
  • Forum posts: 1

Feb 21, 2016, 3:15:00 PM via Website

i want to remove google play other service or google that is auto going to install to my mobile

Alberta Careena
  • Forum posts: 36

Mar 19, 2016, 5:27:01 PM via Website

there could be a pretty lage number of ppl who dont know that, at least the number of ppl who dont know about the Playstore website...

Atiqur S.
  • Forum posts: 12

Mar 23, 2016, 10:44:20 AM via Website

ok thanks for inform and sharing forum.

Pam Gunderson
  • Forum posts: 1

Apr 18, 2016, 6:45:44 PM via Website

I'm sorry I missed Samsung Galaxy Core Prime when I was going through the process. Are you still avaluable Kris ?I REALLY NEED HELP WITH THIS ANDROID, THEY GAVE ME AN OLDER ONE @ THE STORE! RSVP @ Thanks very much!

Atiqur S.
  • Forum posts: 12

Apr 26, 2016, 11:34:08 AM via Website

Delect your email

Dario Jankovic
  • Forum posts: 15

May 4, 2016, 4:03:51 AM via Website


Maurizio Pietrantuono
  • Forum posts: 2

Jul 19, 2016, 9:51:19 AM via Website

Thant worked, thanks

  • Forum posts: 1

Aug 6, 2016, 9:24:20 AM via Website

Hey ppl I was sending dozens feedbacks about this to google they will ignore you ..
Only option to delete your devices is just u must delete your entire gmail account and create new one..

Am not bothered too much about it but what am bothered is that I don't have picture of my phone shown on the left anymore.. b4 I had it but I reset phone factory settings and picture icon of mobile gone.. I feedbacked this to google they again ignored..
Anybody knows how to add picture ? that when I open device manager app in phone and will locate my phone I will se my phone picture..
Any help will appreciate

Maria Khan
  • Forum posts: 4

Aug 23, 2016, 3:21:51 PM via Website

Nice post i Like it...

Alison Pohl
  • Forum posts: 17

Aug 23, 2016, 5:43:19 PM via Website

anyway, it was useful

Keshav Singh
  • Forum posts: 17

Aug 24, 2016, 4:17:28 PM via Website

To remove your device from Google play devices list follow few simple steps

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the Google Play Store.
  • Click the gear button in the top-right corner of the screen and
    select 'Settings'.
  • On this page you'll be given a list of 'My Devices' and you can
    un-tick the 'Show in menus' box in the 'Visibility' column.

Christie Rodriguez
  • Forum posts: 70

Oct 3, 2016, 3:00:41 PM via Website

Go to the Google Play store from your computer's Web browser,
Click on the gear icon at the top-right-hand corner of the screen,
Select the Settings option. You will be brought to a page titled "My Devices," which lists all the smartphones and tablets you have registered to your Google account.

Vaughn Paul
  • Forum posts: 9

Nov 11, 2016, 11:10:25 AM via Website

Thanks. Its really helpful. I did it.

  • Forum posts: 2

Feb 17, 2017, 8:11:09 AM via Website

Hello, Kris Carlon, Thanks for sharing it's very very helpful.
I am suggested your answer Thanks.

Nolan Zink (z324)
  • Forum posts: 42

Feb 27, 2017, 2:33:20 PM via Website

I alrady know this but thanks for the refresh!

  • Forum posts: 3

Mar 27, 2017, 11:06:35 AM via Website

Thanks for the information.. But did u Know How I remove a Google account from my Android Device? please replay i m waiting..!!

Bastian Siewers
  • Forum posts: 9,729

Mar 27, 2017, 1:28:56 PM via Website


simply about the Account Settings and click the three-dotted menu icon in the top right. You should see an option called "Remove Account". Simply click on it ;)

Liebe Grüße, Bastian
Die Regeln | Die Moderatoren und Admins | Screenshots richtig posten

Lynsey Kitching
  • Forum posts: 1

Apr 12, 2017, 5:07:18 AM via Website

hey i have a question about the old devices. on my list it shows an old phone as still active though it isn't supposed to be. how is this possible. it shows it as having telus as a provider. any insight would be appreciated.

Susan Smith
  • Forum posts: 6

Apr 20, 2017, 12:46:18 PM via Website

To remove devices from your account:

Use your phone's browser to go to Sign in - Google Accounts.
In the "Sign-in & security" section, touch Device activity & notification.
In the "Recently used devices" section, touch Review devices.
Touch the device you want to remove > Remove.

Libby Mia

cindy Ali
  • Forum posts: 10

May 22, 2017, 11:22:38 AM via Website

I don't change my device frequently. And there is not many devices under my account. Thanks for sharing, it is very useful!

osama abbasi
  • Forum posts: 23

May 22, 2017, 2:32:32 PM via Website

it's great but Not understandable for the beginners. Try to suggest some simple method

Fatima Ansari

osama abbasi
  • Forum posts: 23

May 22, 2017, 2:33:13 PM via Website

It's not about the days.

  • Forum posts: 14

Aug 1, 2017, 12:12:50 AM via Website

Thanks for sharing it.

  • Forum posts: 13

Aug 1, 2017, 3:15:51 AM via Website

Yeah , to detelete everything ,we need a eraser tool to do that .
