- Forum posts: 877
Jun 18, 2013, 12:07:50 PM via Website
Jun 18, 2013 12:07:50 PM via Website
You've just entered a forum that focuses on the Android ecosystem, an exciting and innovative domain. Here we will discuss, ask, share and debate on related topics in our various categories.
You will find categories for apps, devices, the Android operating system, announcements and rumors as well as more technical sections on rooting, hardware, tutorials and app development. Keep in mind that posting in the correct forum will optimize your thread for potentially great discussions!
Want to take a break from discussing Android and smartphone related topics? Check out our Cafe AndroidPIT, a nice place for completely unrelated and free-for-all topics.
Before launching yourself into the forum, take a moment to introduce yourself in the Meet & Greet category which will provide you with an opportunity to get to know many other community members with the same interests.
Warning! This is a highly moderated forum. Please abide by the following rules:
- We do not tolerate spam in the AndroidPIT forum. This will be deleted without warning and you as a member might face deactivation. We have eyes everywhere!
- Posting your free apps (from the Google Play store) in our forum is allowed only in the Let me show you my app... category. Posting about paid apps is absolutely forbidden. Direct download links are not allowed either.
- Please remember that this is a community, therefore insulting language and comments will not be tolerated and highly reprimanded.
- This is an English speaking forum. We also have a German, French, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, Russian and Portuguese Forum for our international users.
With that being said, enjoy the forum! Discover, learn and share your Android experiences with other like-minded people in one of today's most interesting domains right here at AndroidPIT.
Yours truly,
The AndroidPIT Team
— modified on Feb 3, 2014, 11:13:50 AM by moderator
Forum Rules - Recommended for new AndroidPIT members! Important to all community members: please read before posting