
  • Replies:2
  • Forum posts: 5

Jan 7, 2011, 5:34:42 AM via App

so I've Ben reading about rooting my phone and think I understand most of it except a few things; when rooted, can you or can you not receive updates, and, do you have to un root each time you do if so? I also read that you can but if you want to stay rooted you have to wait for the updated root? not sure if I'm just thinking about it to hard or what but sounds like a pain to screw with that much to try and keep your rooted status. I'm not really wanting to do any major changes like flashing a ROM but would like to be able to do simpler tasks such as delete the annoying space hogging preinstalled apps. would it honestly even be worth it for what I want to do or am I interested in something I shouldn't be

Douglas Carter
  • Forum posts: 1,891

Jan 7, 2011, 3:24:21 PM via Website

Do you have an Evo 4G and have you read this thread yet:

The pluses of rooting must be determined by every user. Rooting will make you have to do more work to get updates. However, rooting gives you more control over your device. If you want to be a "super user", then rooting is the only way to go.

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  • Forum posts: 5

Jan 7, 2011, 6:38:39 PM via App

thanks Douglas I did understand your explanation better then a lot I've read. I think for now ill wait to root my phone a little longer until I fully feel confident, I wish I had a dummy phone to play with before diving head on into my new EVO lol. anyway thanks again for your reply! you always have a great response to questions
