- Forum posts: 1,891
Jun 28, 2010, 7:14:50 PM via Website
Jun 28, 2010 7:14:50 PM via Website
I'm glad that you have joined our community. Know that our community will try hard to help you find the answers, or at the very least, point you in the right direction to get the help you need. There is a useful tool built into all forum accounts that allows all users to fill in their phone's information, including their Android OS version, carrier, and other important details. Filling out that form here will make it much quicker and easier for any user to answer your questions.
Probably the main reason for the existence of our forums right now is to answer the questions of you, the end-user. Therefore, when you do ask questions, please try to remember to include your current country of residence, as that may be the clue we need to answer your question. The more specific you can be with all questions, the better.
Every day the AndroidPIT testing team puts up a test report on a new Android app. We have news pieces put up every weekday that cover the major daily Android developments. There is also an Apps section of the website with a regularly refreshed database of all apps and games available on the Android Market.
You encouraged to visit all sections of the website and enjoy all the services we have to offer. You are also encouraged to introduce yourself to the community and ask away. There may already be an answer to your question, so searching beforehand may save a lot of time, both for you and others.
Developers are encouraged to join the AndroidPIT Developer community as well.
Welcome to the AndroidPIT community and I hope you have a good stay here. The members make the community, so do your best to make the it the best it can be and keep us growing.
Here are some informative videos on YouTube if you are new to Android:
Android Tips
If you are fairly knowledgeable in programming, you might want to take a look at these videos for some in-depth explanation of how Android works:
Android Developers
If you are looking to install AndroidPIT's own app market you can get started on the process of installing our App Center by visiting this page.
— modified on Mar 9, 2011, 10:47:31 AM
Recommended reading for new AndroidPIT members! Important to all community members: the AndroidPIT Forum rules