Recommendations for new forum members

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Douglas Carter
  • Forum posts: 1,891

Jun 28, 2010, 7:14:50 PM via Website

Hello there newcomer to the AndroidPIT forums,

I'm glad that you have joined our community. Know that our community will try hard to help you find the answers, or at the very least, point you in the right direction to get the help you need. There is a useful tool built into all forum accounts that allows all users to fill in their phone's information, including their Android OS version, carrier, and other important details. Filling out that form here will make it much quicker and easier for any user to answer your questions.

Probably the main reason for the existence of our forums right now is to answer the questions of you, the end-user. Therefore, when you do ask questions, please try to remember to include your current country of residence, as that may be the clue we need to answer your question. The more specific you can be with all questions, the better.

Every day the AndroidPIT testing team puts up a test report on a new Android app. We have news pieces put up every weekday that cover the major daily Android developments. There is also an Apps section of the website with a regularly refreshed database of all apps and games available on the Android Market.

You encouraged to visit all sections of the website and enjoy all the services we have to offer. You are also encouraged to introduce yourself to the community and ask away. There may already be an answer to your question, so searching beforehand may save a lot of time, both for you and others.

Developers are encouraged to join the AndroidPIT Developer community as well.

Welcome to the AndroidPIT community and I hope you have a good stay here. The members make the community, so do your best to make the it the best it can be and keep us growing.

Here are some informative videos on YouTube if you are new to Android:

Android Tips

If you are fairly knowledgeable in programming, you might want to take a look at these videos for some in-depth explanation of how Android works:

Android Developers

If you are looking to install AndroidPIT's own app market you can get started on the process of installing our App Center by visiting this page.

— modified on Mar 9, 2011, 10:47:31 AM

Recommended reading for new AndroidPIT members! Important to all community members: the AndroidPIT Forum rules

mudassir c.

  • Forum posts: 53

Jul 9, 2010, 6:13:49 AM via Website

I would like to recommend this Channel in Youtube to those who are very new to android it really helps and they are just 1 min clips brief and straight to the point

Douglas Carter
  • Forum posts: 1,891

Jul 9, 2010, 10:25:02 AM via Website

Sounds like a plan. I'll add in some videos to the first post.

Recommended reading for new AndroidPIT members! Important to all community members: the AndroidPIT Forum rules

Luke Robbie
  • Forum posts: 1

Feb 23, 2011, 9:32:14 AM via Website

How do I update/add to the information on my profile? ie; "My page"
Was able to put my phone details in, as they were asked for before I could write this question.
But, I can find no link or other method of updating my personal details.

Douglas Carter
  • Forum posts: 1,891

Feb 23, 2011, 12:36:04 PM via Website

When logged in, go to the top of the web page and click on your name. The new page that loads allows you to edit personal and phone information, which you can do by clicking on the black and white circular buttons.

Recommended reading for new AndroidPIT members! Important to all community members: the AndroidPIT Forum rules

ahmad eddie
  • Forum posts: 1

Mar 5, 2011, 5:04:34 PM via Website

maybe you can tell about how to download android application in this forum...witout using android market...

Douglas Carter
  • Forum posts: 1,891

Mar 9, 2011, 10:45:41 AM via Website

That's a good idea as well :wink:

Recommended reading for new AndroidPIT members! Important to all community members: the AndroidPIT Forum rules

Ursula Vasey
  • Forum posts: 5

Jul 10, 2011, 11:37:46 PM via Website

The easiest way I have found to get applications that are not in the Android market (or where a device doesn't have a Market on it, is to Google the name of the app, followed by the ending .apk. For example, if you want Angry Birds without using the Market, you would Google Angry Birds.apk. I wouldn't guarantee you would find everything this way, but it is a good place to start.

  • Forum posts: 1

Apr 5, 2012, 12:17:41 PM via Website

Can go and see here(android tablet pc

Eric McBride
  • Forum posts: 1,790

Apr 5, 2012, 4:52:35 PM via Website

Ursula Vasey
The easiest way I have found to get applications that are not in the Android market (or where a device doesn't have a Market on it, is to Google the name of the app, followed by the ending .apk. For example, if you want Angry Birds without using the Market, you would Google Angry Birds.apk. I wouldn't guarantee you would find everything this way, but it is a good place to start.

Yes, but you ll also find pirated apps that way. Why not install them from the browser from here?:

  • Forum posts: 94

Jun 4, 2012, 7:10:35 PM via Website

i just read this today. thank you for so much for sharing this.
the youtube channels are really great. it's really helpful for newbies, like me. :)

Obadiah Marsh
  • Forum posts: 3

Jun 5, 2012, 2:19:33 AM via Website

Well thanks for having me in the forum, this is going to be an amazing experience. I always wanted to learn more about my archos. It is an android 1.0 and I am thinking about upgrading, but I like the smaller tablets and archos doesn't make any less than 7 inches now. Well, I look forward to doing some reading up and learning so be well.


Eric McBride
  • Forum posts: 1,790

Jun 5, 2012, 2:20:54 PM via Website

Welcome Obadiah, and let us know if you have any questions!

Anette G
  • Forum posts: 1

Jun 20, 2012, 3:53:09 PM via Website

You wrote: "There is a useful tool built into all forum accounts that allows all users to fill in their phone's information, including their Android OS version, carrier, and other important details."

The problem is that I have both a phone (HTC Sensation) and a small tablet (DMTECH Tablet 724w) with Android and there is only space to name one of them. Since the tablet isn't in the drop-down list I choose to name the phone. Unfortunately I strongly suspect the tablet will be the one giving me the most trouble.

Surely I can't be the only one with multiple devices?

Patricia Hall
  • Forum posts: 41

Aug 16, 2012, 1:56:54 PM via Website

I am very frankly to say that I like to join in this forum for get more and more info idea.

Patrick R.
  • Forum posts: 66

Aug 23, 2012, 6:50:14 PM via Website

Hi, I am pretty new here. Came across this forum/website through Pulse. Enjoying the articles/blog posts/news and hopefully will get to learn from the forums as well.

  • Forum posts: 2

Sep 20, 2012, 5:55:11 AM via Website

It happens in the near future when cataclysmic disasters have turned the Earth into and endless sea. Corrupt government and elite citizens worldwide build the Draconian Empire, a giant military complex, while the rest left behind form the Forsaken which resorts to piracy to survive. And you are one of the Forsaken, a pirate who will take the lead to fight. In this way, Battle Pirates, a new seafight strategy game from the same developer of Backyard Monsters, blows the bugle for war. - mmohunter -

David Brownz
  • Forum posts: 7

Sep 27, 2012, 3:19:38 PM via Website

This is great, i totally agree with you.

rita williamson
  • Forum posts: 2

Sep 28, 2012, 10:22:03 AM via Website

Thank you sooo much for excepting me to your page.i sure hope i can get a better concept of how all this works.but my tablet is really hard to figure out.and iam new to it.again just wanted to say thanks and i love your page.

Cat Sorcerer
  • Forum posts: 13

Dec 4, 2012, 12:08:59 AM via Website

ahmad eddie
maybe you can tell about how to download android application in this forum...witout using android market...

There are tons of 3rd party app stores, mainly in China. They turn everything into FREE.

Examples :

However, you need to be able to read Chinese in order to use them ^_^

  • Forum posts: 28

Dec 30, 2012, 8:40:58 PM via Website

Can't use links in msg =/


  • Forum posts: 41

Jan 5, 2013, 2:29:07 PM via Website

Thank you for the recomendations. It is really useful

  • Forum posts: 3

Jan 13, 2013, 10:17:38 PM via App

I also am quite new to android. I can't stop myseelf from going beserk every time apps crash though. :p

J Pendleton
  • Forum posts: 21

Feb 3, 2013, 8:42:04 PM via Website

Thanks for the help vids post. Found a lot of helpful info.

Ross Tylor
  • Forum posts: 2

Mar 3, 2013, 10:10:00 AM via App

I already put u on all three of my pages what im scared about is that I know it can be done its just your developers kinda put all kinds of stuff in my phone also and when I woke up my hard drive was flashing on my screen I have never seen this and I was wondering if you guys do it or on standby. And how long is the wait cuz I have to move apps and take the back off to cool its like im raising a infant again so HELP ME Please im beging on one knee WATCHER

— modified on Mar 3, 2013, 10:13:53 AM

Mark Nguyen
  • Forum posts: 14

Mar 29, 2013, 7:51:10 AM via Website

thanks for your youtube channel. there are so many tips here, but just under 1 minute per tips. :)

Ahmed A.
  • Forum posts: 12

Apr 6, 2013, 11:30:43 PM via Website

Thank you for these tips.

Ahmed Elyamani
  • Forum posts: 5

Apr 19, 2013, 12:02:59 PM via Website

Thanks for the info.
when will I not be a "new member" , since I'm not allowed to post urls?

Cheng Sokdara
  • Forum posts: 11

Apr 20, 2013, 3:16:52 AM via Website

Alright sir

Support King
  • Forum posts: 23

Jun 11, 2013, 10:40:31 AM via Website

I just read this today. Thank you for sharing this and all the videos they were all very helpful