Tips and Tricks: How to find the name of a movie when you forgot?

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  • Forum posts: 63

Dec 30, 2019, 5:02:05 AM via Website

Have you ever been racking your brain to track down the name of a movie that you used to watch from your childhood? Is it frustrating when you remember movie plot but end up failing to recall its name. Here are some tips that helps you find the movie information

Whatever movie you're trying to find, you need to remember at least some following piece of information that links to the film such as company that released the movie, release year, any recognizable actors or actress, plot infor, genre, director or writer,...
Then you can utilize advanced search on Google: "plot keywords here"

or search plot keywords on IMDb’s database:

Another way to find the movie name that you want to watch again is go to the website "What is my" and then describe any aspect of the movie content you are looking for on the search bar. (relevant keywords: actors starring in it, where it's set or a quote,...)

marco sarli
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Dec 30, 2019, 9:40:16 AM via Website

interesting but usually it is enough to type what you remember in google followed by movie

  • Forum posts: 27

Dec 30, 2019, 2:14:39 PM via Website

search the related movies in google and your will appear

Alan Roy
  • Forum posts: 2

Feb 4, 2022, 10:20:16 AM via Website

If you forgot the movie name then no issue. If you have an idea about the identity of the movie then search on google I am sure you will find your favorite movie.
