Google Fit Mileage Tracking is Off

  • Replies:2
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Sep 17, 2019, 7:13:06 PM via Website

I have had Samung Health app for years and have tracked steps/mileage with that app, pedometer and also wife's Apple phone, so know mileage to be accurate. Bought a new Wear OS watch and using google fit. App tracks steps fairly accurately, but the mileage count is 1/2 of what it should be. If I walked 2 miles, Fit app says I walked 1 etc.. Is there a work around (maybe make my weight lower or height taller etc) to trick the tracking to be more accurate. You cant add stride length, so only factors you can change is age, height and weitght. Suggestions?

James Watson
  • Forum posts: 1,588

Sep 19, 2019, 11:32:16 AM via Website

Are you sure whether the Samsung Health app or your new Wear OS watch is using GPS to calculate distance?

It's said that as long as you are not using GPS, the distance is just number of steps times stride length. Even some health apps assume a default stride length based on your measurements, but it is something you can change.

Just for your reference.

Download size < 0.12 MB. But also accurate enough, ad-free & free.
The minimalist app available on Play Store:
Blog: Your 5-star is appreciated.

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Oct 19, 2019, 10:23:20 PM via Website

I have a similar problem. I recently changed from a Moto G5s to a Motorola one Action. Yesterday I had recorded over 4 miles (I'm a touch elderly) but when I synced with my Chromebook it reduced to 2.1 miles. Today the phone was indicating 5.3 miles but later it reduced to 3.1 miles. Steps are recording apparently correctly so I am sure the mileage is wrong.

What is happening?
