Why Abroad Mobiles Get 2G Data in India Even Though It is 4G

  • Replies:2
srikanth voruganti
  • Forum posts: 4

Mar 19, 2019, 3:34:00 PM via Website

HI Guys,
Hope that I will get relevant answers for my question. I brought a mobile phone from United States. It is a 4G mobile. But the problem is I Am not getting 4G in India even though i used 4G sim I Am getting 2G service. Most, service centres told me That i wont get 4G service in this mobile in India. That is why I am Bothering about my mobile "LG K7". I did Every setting But There is no use. Any Suggestion.

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  • Forum posts: 819

Mar 19, 2019, 11:13:40 PM via Website

If India has not upgraded thier phone transmission to 4g then there is no 4g for your phone to receive.
Example; Samsung just developed a new folding smartphone, but they haven't started to sell it because it operates on a 5g signal. And there is no carrier who is transmitting a 5g signal yet!
So if the mobile signal carriers in India are only transmitting a 2g signal! Then there's no 4g signal in India for your phone to recieve!

Bastian Siewers
  • Forum posts: 9,729

Mar 20, 2019, 8:52:30 AM via Website


of course there is 4G in India. The problem is that the phone needs to support the bands in India. Looks like in this case, your phone does not support the necessary bands. Sadly 4G is not 4G in that sense, as countries and carriers do use different bands in some cases.

Liebe Grüße, Bastian
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