what is .um folder in android folder/data

  • Replies:8
Aš Modestas
  • Forum posts: 8

Mar 13, 2019, 8:53:44 AM via Website

What is the .um file?
I'm looking through my files in android folder. and I noticed a .um folder with a sysid.dat file, In Android folder was three folders.
Data. in data i see folder which i mention up!^^ with dot (.)um i dont have any malware!
obj. with the same a sysid.dat file name. and I didn't know what it was. Is there any files I should be looking for that could be a virus?
i do reset, and flashing soft. dont helped folder there be still. when i delete folder , foldet goes back!
so why these folders creating automatic?? i never see before like 3years ago.

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  • Forum posts: 819

Mar 16, 2019, 1:33:57 PM via Website

I just looked up .um folder on the internet.
And the word is that file is either malware or spyware!
Since you have already eliminated the possibility of malware then it is probably spyware.
No one seems to know how it got into thier devices!
You should be able to delete from your internal storage. Just enter internal storage. Pull up the menu, tap on edit, and you can delete any of those files you want too.

Aš Modestas
  • Forum posts: 8

Mar 16, 2019, 3:05:51 PM via Website

I delete folder , but after that it show still. I do reset, still i see after a few hours. I reinstall firmware. Still see.

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  • Forum posts: 819

Mar 16, 2019, 3:23:42 PM via Website

Aš Modestas

I delete folder , but after that it show still. I do reset, still i see after a few hours. I reinstall firmware. Still see.

I have the same problem with a Facebook file. I have disabled the 2 Facebook apps in my phone . But when I go into Internal storage there is a empty Facebook file. I have deleted this file many times but it keeps coming back.
The only thing I can think of is a factory reset to permanently remove that .um file.
But I don't know if that will work!
You have to find out how it is being entered into your internal storage.
Then block it!
Suggestion: delete it. And when it comes back check your downloads!

Aš Modestas
  • Forum posts: 8

Mar 16, 2019, 3:34:45 PM via Website

I have done reset. It come back. Apps i downloaded just from google playstore. When i done reset the unknown sources is disabled by security android on any devices. So i reinstall software via odin. Still came back! I dont see this folder before 3months ago. The software i reinstall without bloatware which i have on german firmware bloatware. Now i install XEU firmware. Not SEB. Because SEB not work samsung pay ill get no network connection when i opened app samsung pay in SEB firmware!. And when setup come arrived i see first language not english but Greek. And i do select English! This awful. So i installed xeu region. First language was english. But sometimes apps says has stopped,restart. Google play,facebook lite i have pop up yeterday-facebook stopped-restart app. When i click that restarting app and launch again.

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  • Forum posts: 819

Mar 16, 2019, 3:42:44 PM via Website

Have a different idea.
Most or all third party apps require permission to collect your personal data.
One by one uninstall your third party apps then delete that .um folder , then see if it comes back!
If it it dose not reappear, then that app will be where the .um folder is coming from!

Aš Modestas
  • Forum posts: 8

Mar 16, 2019, 4:00:35 PM via Website

I have social apps like snapchat. Fb. Instagram. And other. I have before 3 months this apps and i dont see .um folder never. Now i see. Facebook,snap,messenger ,ig, not creating folder .um in android path. I have s4,s5,s3,s3neo,note3 i still download the same apps,and i dont see folder path .um in android PATH.

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  • Forum posts: 819

Mar 16, 2019, 4:45:18 PM via Website

That um.folder has got to be coming from Facebook.
Allow me to explain:
Facebook now owns WhatsApp and Instagram. And they are currently trying to incorporate these apps into thiers!
And there's been one glitch after another.
This could be just another one of those little problems!
And considering that Facebook makes most of thier money collecting your personal data and shares it with other companies. I'm not surprised that spyware has been introduced into your storage!
The only thing that might rid your phone of that um.folder is to root Facebook completely from your hard drive.
But I really don't recommend rooting a android because it's far to easy to mess up your OS when rooting.
Sorry I can't suggest a better solution.

Jimmy Wick
  • Forum posts: 24

Jul 27, 2022, 7:14:36 AM via Website

um folder on the internet. And the word is that file is either malware or spyware! Since you have already eliminated the possibility of malware then it is probably spyware. No one seems to know how it got into thier devices! You should be able to delete from your internal storage.

