Loie Favre
- Forum posts: 877
Feb 13, 2014, 11:55:51 AM via Website
Feb 13, 2014 11:55:51 AM via Website
Hi guys,
Last April, Facebook came out with Facebook Home and the first Facebook phone, the HTC First.
Here is how to get the facebook lock screen Cover on your Android device, without having to actually have the facebook phone or use the Home launcher.
Cover Feed, without the Facebook Home launcher, is only available to Facebook for Android users if their device is supported by Home. Home works on the Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, HTC One X, HTC One X+, HTC First, HTC One, Nexus 4, and Samsung Galaxy S4.
Facebook Home and Cover isn't for everyone but if you want to be on top of your Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram accounts at all times, then this might interest you!
Last April, Facebook came out with Facebook Home and the first Facebook phone, the HTC First.
Here is how to get the facebook lock screen Cover on your Android device, without having to actually have the facebook phone or use the Home launcher.
Cover Feed, without the Facebook Home launcher, is only available to Facebook for Android users if their device is supported by Home. Home works on the Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, HTC One X, HTC One X+, HTC First, HTC One, Nexus 4, and Samsung Galaxy S4.
- First install Facebook Home from the Google Play Store
- Once the app has launched, go into the Customize Home settings which can be found right on the lock screen.
- Here you can choose whether you want to just have the Cover lockscreen or the launcher as well.
- In the settings you also have the option of connecting apps to the lockscreen (facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest...), select a wallpaper, add a cover feed shortcut to your home screen, add the temperature, activate or disable ongoing notifications and see your data use.
Facebook Home and Cover isn't for everyone but if you want to be on top of your Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram accounts at all times, then this might interest you!
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