Samsung Galaxy S2 — Overheating problem with SGS2

  • Replies:2
Toby Crittendon
  • Forum posts: 22

Jul 27, 2011, 6:39:49 PM via Website

I've noticed something rather troubling recently. If I play a game for just 30 minutes my phone becomes very hot. Mostly in the area by Samsung's logo. Is it a hardware problem? Any help would be nice, very confused.

Fabien Röhlinger
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  • Forum posts: 3,861

Jul 27, 2011, 8:03:02 PM via Website

No, this is a normal thing. I have the same thing here. The CPU gets pretty hot.

Jean M.
  • Forum posts: 38

Sep 19, 2011, 3:17:14 PM via Website

You're going to have that. If you really think about it modern cellphones have the same hardware as alot of laptop in a fraction of the space. Laptops are normally cooled by a fan but that would jack up the size of the cell, so they've found ways around it the reduce the produce heat but the can't cut it out entirly. So, yeah, its going to get hotter when you're playing or using a processor-intensive program but it's designed to do that. Don't Panic! As Doug Adams would say. Check out the hardware forum if you have other questions about Andys. Thats how I learned most of what I know.
