How to add new contacts list on PC installed Whatsapp

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Dhanush Indra
  • Forum posts: 2

Nov 8, 2017, 2:32:14 PM via Website

Dear All, just I downloaded & installed whatsapp on my PC.
I did not find how to create a new group & add new contact numbers in this installed software.
Can you please guide how to add bulk numbers in this PC based whatsapp.

Bastian Siewers
  • Forum posts: 9,729

Nov 8, 2017, 4:15:38 PM via Website

Hi Dhanush, welcome to AndroidPIT :)

unfortunately you can't add any contacts on WhatsApp in the desktop version. That only works on the phone.

Liebe Grüße, Bastian
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Dhanush Indra

Dhanush Indra
  • Forum posts: 2

Nov 9, 2017, 9:19:09 AM via Website

Sir, thank you for your information.
I am not familiar with smartphone and knowledge about whatsapp minimum.
Can you please guide me whether we can upload bulk numbers into whatsapp contract even in smartphone.
If such provision is there, it makes my work somewhat easy

Bastian Siewers
  • Forum posts: 9,729

Nov 9, 2017, 10:36:37 AM via Website


as far as I know, WhatsApp is not meant for that kind of stuff, at least for now. But I never wanted to upload multiple numbers at the same time. WhatsApp is, however, using the phonebook of your smartphone to find contacts. So I would try to simply get all needed numbers into your phonebook and see if WhatsApp recognizes all of them.

Liebe Grüße, Bastian
Die Regeln | Die Moderatoren und Admins | Screenshots richtig posten

Tony Clark
  • Forum posts: 13

Jun 28, 2018, 8:55:13 AM via Website

Hi Dhanush,

I was going through this trick, i feel it may help you to solve the quest .

How to add contact to WhatsApp on PC [Updated with new Bluestacks version]

Link: thetechupgrades.blogspot (dot) com /2012/08/how-to-add-contact-for-whatsapp-on-pc.html

Hope that helps!!


  • Forum posts: 1

Oct 13, 2020, 4:25:09 PM via Website

I just found a way! so simple thanks to Google as always!

Just log in to your chrome with an account you have logged in on your phone.
Open Google Contacts on Chrome on desktop. Create one or multiple contacts. Get back to your Whatsapp web. Search the contact you already saved. Start texting!

  • Forum posts: 1

Jul 11, 2022, 7:35:47 PM via Website

Best way imo is to make a wa .me link, and add the phone number and open in your browser.

  • Forum posts: 1

May 11, 2023, 3:34:32 PM via Website

Congratulations on installing WhatsApp on your PC! Here are the steps to create a new group and add new contacts on WhatsApp:
To create a new group:
Open WhatsApp on your PC.
On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see a list of your existing chats. At the bottom of this list, click on the "New group" button.
Select the contacts you want to add to the group by searching for their names or phone numbers.
Once you have selected all the contacts you want to add, click on the green "Create" button.
To add new contacts:
Open WhatsApp on your PC.
Click on the three dots in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
Select "Contacts" from the dropdown menu.
Click on the green "New contact" button in the top right-hand corner.
Enter the name and phone number of the new contact.
Click on the green "Save" button.
To add multiple contacts at once:
Open WhatsApp on your PC.
Click on the three dots in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
Select "Contacts" from the dropdown menu.
Click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner.
Select "Import contacts".
Choose the file that contains the contact information you want to import.
Select the contacts you want to add.
Click on the green "Add" button.
I hope this helps you add new contacts and create groups on WhatsApp on your PC!